Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8 Episode 12 Recap: Ain"t No Misbehaving

We need to talk about Siggy Flicker, you guys. 

On The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8 Episode 12, she apparently made a truce with Margaret, and then continued to be rude as hell to her. 

With the news that Soggy is leaving the show behind because she was flooding out every single restaurant the ladies went to, it seems like she knew she was quitting when these episodes were filming. 

We are kidding about the flooding part, but we do feel like it would have fit the narrative. Here’s the thing with the Flicker: She’s far too impressionable. 

She needs to pick a side and stick to her guns because what we see on the screen is someone who is disloyal and crying over things that could have been resolved weeks ago. 

When the episode got underway, Margaret felt like she and Siggy were finally in a good place. Forgive us for not caring because we’ve witnessed this same plot point multiple times throughout The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8

Margaret wanted Siggy at her birthday bash, but we do think it was only to try out her new line of products to make sure they really are waterproof. 

Siggy sent a text back with emojis and a cute message, so one would think they were back to being the best friends that anyone could have. 

Siggy turned to her own father for some advice, which is a little bit rich when you consider the fact that she has made a whole lot of money from giving people advice. 

Her father seemed infuriated that Siggy called Margaret anti-semitic, and urged her to steer clear of Margaret because there was no repairing that friendship. 

When everyone assembled at the grand opening of Gorga’s, Marge Snr. was adamant to meet Siggy, and Margeret said she would introduce them at some point. 

Danielle, being the Queen of Drama, made her way over to Siggy to ask her to meet Marge. Siggy acted like she was having a heart attack and gasping for air. Maybe she needed to go fill up her tear ducts in the lake, or something. 

“I’m not going to go walk across the room to meet somebody’s mother when I don’t even get along with the daughter,” Siggy said to the camera. “I’m not going to go and be ambushed again.”

It was probably for the best because Marge seemed ready to have some words with her about the way she had been treating her daughter. 

The other big event in the hour was Teresa Giudice making her way to visit Danielle to apologize to her daughters because of the whole table-flipping thing from 2009. 

God, it’s difficult to believe it was that long ago. Housewives may come and go, but that will always be the most iconic scene in the history of the franchise. 

Danielle’s older daughter, Christine did not want to participate, presumably because of the upset it caused her growing up with the whole world knowing about her mother’s extracurricular activities. 

“I really wanted to reach out to your mom and say sorry about what happened years ago because it must have been hard for you guys,” Teresa said before saying that her stint in jail made her think about things. 

Jillian admitted that she was compared to her mother and received random messages from people who wanted to be plain evil towards her. 

“That was the beginning of a really rough time for my kids and I,” Danielle said with a tear escaping her eye. 

“I never wanted to hurt you in any way. Yeah, I feel horrible,” Teresa said.

We can only imagine, but at least Teresa kept good on her word to air her thoughts on the whole thing, and we think it’s a positive that Danielle had the table in her home bolted to the floor. 

Yes, we are joking about that last part, but it would not surprise us if it was an actual thing!

Okay, so what did you think of the episode?

We have just one more episode of drama with the ladies before the reunion episodes, and they should be fun considering Siggy will be speaking her mind because she never needs to see the women again. 

Hit the comments!
