Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Wendy Williams Rips Kim Kardashian for "Selfish" Baby Reveal

We’ve despised Wendy Williams for a number of years now.

But we truly despise Wendy Williams these days, and here’s why:

Because she’s been forcing us to defend Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner.

Any regular reader of The Hollywood Gossip must be aware that we aren’t huge fans of these women or their family members.

They aren’t bad people or anything; it’s just that Kim and company are self-obsessed and represent all that’s wrong with a culture which rewards pretty much anyone with a large social media following.

Williams, however, has been going on the attack against Kim and Kyle for weeks now.

It started back when she slammed Kylie’s then-unborn baby as ugly.

From there, she took Kardashian to task for her latest round of naked photos, referring to the mother of three as “desperate” for snapping these images.

Now, Williams has slammed both Kim and Kylie for reasons related to the latter having a daughter.

On Sunday, Jenner came out and announced that she gave birth back on February 1, releasing a heartfelt statement at the time that explained her nine-month silence on her pregnancy.

She also unveiled the following video.

It centered on Kylie’s path to parenthood and included with it our very first look at Kim and her third child, a girl named Chicago West.

Click PLAY to see glimpses of Chicago at the hospital with her aunt:

Instead of seeing this as adorable (or simply ignoring it because it’s none of her business), Williams used the above footage as the basis for tearing into Kim once again.

“Also in the video we saw Chicago West for the first time, which is Kim and Kanye’s new daughter, which I thought was selfish,” Williams said on Monday on air, explaining her reasoning as follows:

“This is Kylie’s moment to do Kylie’s thing and then Kim just showed up with the baby. I think it’s selfish.” 

We don’t think Kim just showed up with the baby or anything like that.

This was an 11-minute video that includes a variety of scenes that depicted Kylie spending time with her loved ones.

Part of that time was comprised of Kim visiting her sister and bringing her brand new baby along with her… and someone recorded this visit and included it along with MANY other scenes in the video.

We fail to see the big deal here.

Then again, we aren’t Wendy Williams.

We don’t make a living by tossing out unfounded, cruel opinions about others on a regular basis.

“I thought [the video] was cute,” Williams added. “But, she’s only 20, what a mess.”

Look, we’ve cracked plenty of jokes about Kylie’s unplanned pregnancy.

And she is absolutely on the younger side when it comes to being a parent.

But we’d never label any stranger’s situation a “mess,” not when we know so little about it, not when it involves a beautiful child… and not when the 20-year old has millions of dollars and can afford help around the clock.

We’re pretty sure there are far messier situations than this around the world.

Due to Wendy’s constant barrage of insults against her family, Kris Jenner has reportedly told her kids not to ever appear on Williams’ terrible talk show.

“Kris is beyond angry at Wendy,” a source told Hollywood Life this week.

“There was a time when they were on good terms, but not anymore. Wendy is dead to Kris, she’s dead to the whole family.

Adds this insider:

“Kris has put a lifelong ban on them ever appearing on Wendy‘s show or anything she’s affiliated with. And they’re taking it a step further and asking all their friends to boycott her show as well.

“They would love to see her cancelled and off the air. This is war.”

And, for one, we’re on the side of Kris Jenner.
