Sunday, February 4, 2018

Kylie Jenner Welcomes Baby Girl!!

For the better part of a year, Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy remained shrouded in secrecy. Even after it was announced to the world, Kylie refused to give any confirmation or acknowledgment. 

Until Sunday, February 4th — which had been Kylie’s due date. Emphasis on had been.

Kylie took to social media to announce that she has given birth.

A safe, healthy birth is wonderful news for Kylie and her whole family!

Interestingly, Kylie starts her post with an apology:

“I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark through all the assumptions.”

Totally her right to do, but many fans felt bewildered by the sudden radio silence.

“I understand you’re used to me bringing you along on all my journeys.”

They sure are.

“My pregnancy was one I chose not to do in front of the world.”

And she explains her very good reasons why.

Kylie Jenner Gives Birth Announcement

“I knew for myself I needed to prepare for this role of a lifetime in the most positive, stress free, and healthy way I knew how.”

That’s actually really good advice when it comes to pregnancy. Advice that not everyone is financially equipped to take.

“There was no gotcha moment, no big paid reveal I had planned.”

We’ve read and discussed a lot of speculation about that recently, but it seems that Kylie’s quest for privacy was motivated personally rather than for business reasons.

“I knew my baby would feel every stress and every emotion.”

To a degree, that may be accurate. Certain stress hormones are believed to be shared during pregnancy, which is probably not great at such a fragile stage of fetal development.

“So I chose to do it this way for my little life and our happiness.”

Honestly? It’s a daring choice — risking her entire brand in the process — but it was probably the right one.

Kylie reflects on the pregnancy itself.

“Pregnancy has been the most beautiful, empowering, and life-changing experience I’ve had in my entire life.”

Her takeaway from the experience is almost unbelievable.

“And I’m actually going to miss it.”

I may not have a uterus of my own but my suspicion is that not everyone who’s been through pregnancy revels in the experience.

“I appreciate my friends and especially my family for helping me make this special moment as private as we could.”

And now, for the very good news:

“My beautiful and healthy baby girl arrived February 1st and I just couldn’t wait to share this blessing.”

Awwww!! So Kylie gave birth on Thursday. She does not share her daughter’s name, but we’ve heard that Kylie has selected a baby name.

“I’ve never felt love and happiness like this; I could burst!”

Oxytocin is one hell of a hormone. We understand that feeling.

Finally, she thanks her fans.

“Thank you for understanding.”

This is wonderful news. It’s also a great gesture for her fans who felt that she was mocking them by not acknowledging her pregnancy.
