Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Travis Scott to Kylie Jenner: Do NOT Put Our Daughter on TV!

Despite some early rumors that Travis Scott dumped Kylie Jenner shortly after she gave birth, it seems that against all odds, the couple is actually making their relationship work.

Of course, that doesn’t mean there haven’t been some major rough patches along the way.

The latest has been the result of Scott’s feud with Kris Jenner.

You might think that Kris would take issue with Travis getting her daughter pregnant at the ripe old age of 20.

But it seems the real reason the momager is upset is classic Kris.

To the surprise of exactly no one except Travis, Kris plans on making little Stormy Webster a reality star.

But it seems Scott has the wild idea that children should hold off on becoming international celebrities at least until they hit pre-k.

“Travis is happy that Stormi has so many advantages out of the gate being the daughter of two high-profile parents, but his wish is that she has as much of a normal life as possible in the celebrity bubble she is in,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“That is why he would love for Stormi never to be on TV but he knows that the likelihood of that happening is pretty much impossible.”

So at leaat he’s come to terms with the fact that his daughter will have 40 million Instagram followers before she starts teething.

But he’s still anticipating some conflicts when the Jenners finally decide to make Stormy a star:

“Its something that is not causing friction with Kylie yet, but it’s definitely been conversed about on many occasions because they both have different ideas of how they want to parent,” the insider says.

“So time will tell if it reaches a boiling point. But as of right now Travis would love nothing more than to never see Stormi on camera anytime soon,” adds the source.

“He wants her to be a kid.”

Oh, Travis. You poor, naive soul.

In Kris Jenner’s world, kids who aren’t full potential as social media influencers are just wastes of breast milk.

We’d be more sympathetic to your plight, but like – you did watch the show before you get Kylie pregnant, right?

If not, you’re in for some major surprises. 
