Thursday, February 8, 2018

Travis Scott to Tyga: Stay Away from My Kid!

As previously noted, Travis Scott is not a deadbeat dad.

But the rapper does have a message for his baby mama’s ex-boyfriend, and it goes something like this:

Stay away from my baby… or else you’ll be dead meat!

Indeed, Scott has thus far surprised critics who assumed he’d bail on Kylie Jenner as soon as the 20-year old became pregnant with his child.

It’s impossible to believe these two planned to start a family, after all, and they had only been together for a few months when the procreation took place.

Of course we would have blamed Scott if he had gotten the heck away from the situation.

But we wouldn’t have been shocked by it, either.

However, a video released by Jenner shortly after she gave birth made it clear that Scott attended doctor appointments with her and was in the hospital when his daughter was born.

(Check out the video below)

Heck, Kylie even named her little girl after Scott, using the last name he was given at birth when dubbing her Stormi Webster.

Determined to be a major part of his kid’s life, Scott is allegedly angry that Tyga recently tried to play any role at all.

The ex-lover of Jenner reportedly sent his former flame a note not long after Stormi entered the world, telling Kylie he was very happy for her because he knew she always wanted to be a parent.

(Which is hilarious. Because she’s 20 years old.)

“Tyga also told Kylie that he knew she was going to be an amazing mother,” an insider tells Hollywood Life, adding:

“It was short, sweet and included that he misses her and hopes he gets to meet the baby.”

Upon learning that Tyga sent Kylie this message, Scott flipped the eff out, this same website reports.

“Travis and Kylie had a big argument over the text she received from Tyga,” the source claims, explaining in further detail:

“Travis was furious by the message from her ex and told Kylie that she needs to tell Tyga to stay away from my baby.”

We somehow doubt Tyga will ever get too close to Stormi.

He was probably just being polite, if he really did send the text as reported in this fashion.

In other words: Scott should probably just chill out.

He should also probably move in with his immediate family.

“Kylie and Travis are not officially living together,” People Magazine wrote this week.

“He has his own place. They are co-parenting though, and things are going great. They are together and happy.”

We’re not sure just how together they could be and how happy they could be if Scott is residing under the same room as his girlfriend and his daughter.

This same publication says Scott and Jenner have no plans to get married and are just taking things slow.

Which is fine. It’s not any of our business, really.

But it also means Scott can’t get all that mad at Tyga, not until he at least steps up to the plate and takes on the full responsibility here of being a father and, if Kylie wants him, of being a husband.
