Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Demi Lovato: This Pic of My Thighs Could Save Your Life

Demi Lovato isn’t just a talented singer with an ever-growing tour schedule. She’s not just an actress or a gorgeous role model.

She’s an inspiration.

Now, she’s posting a photo of her thighs — now that she’s stopped dieting — to share a powerful message about loving your body.

In the (now-deleted) photo that you’ll see below, Demi Lovato shows off her thighs.

Though Demi continues to work out by practicizing Brazilian martial arts for both self-defense training and for fitness purposes, she has not stopped dieting.

In the caption of this wonderful picture, she’s written:

“These are what I call no more dieting thighs and I’m proud of them #thickthighssavelives.”

That’s an amazing message, and here is the photo itself:

As we mentioned, this gorgeous pic of the singer has announced that she’s no longer dieting.

Though her figure remains enviable to the point where every single photo of her is a thirst trap, her thighs have grown powerful.

The “thick thighs save lives” motto is incredible and one that we hope to see repeated.

it’s body-positive, it’s empowering, and it rhymes. What more could you want?

This is not the first time that Demi has spoken up about her body image, however.

Demi shared this lovely beach photo and addressed her eating disorder in the captions, writing:

“So, I’m insecure about my legs in this picture but I’m posting it because I look so happy and this year I’ve decided I’m letting go of my perfectionism and embracing freedom from self criticism.”

That sounds so wonderfully healthy!

“Learning to love my body the way it is is challenging but life changing. Giving up my eating disorder has been the most challenging journey of my life but I work every day towards solid recovery even if I mess up sometimes.”

By sharing her journey with the world, she can inspire others.

“Today I’m feeling strong. You all can do it too. It IS possible. Thank you God for this new chapter in my life. #EDrecovery #happyAF”

Demi Lovato has also opened up to People about her recovery.

“It’s a daily battle. Some days I feel great and some days I don’t feel great. And sometimes it’s periods of times.”

She’s admitted that she’s gained weight — a normal thing for human bodies, but difficult for someone recovering from an eating disorder.

“I stopped dieting and have gained a little weight so it’s been a struggle but at the same time, I’m happier because I’m not restricting myself from certain foods and I’m no longer food shaming myself.”

That is so good to hear!

“As someone recovering from a food disorder, it’s something that I want to put out there that you don’t have to diet in order to be happy.”

“I don’t think I’ve heard that message out there in the public and of course, it’s important to be healthy and everything in moderation is fine.”

It’s so important to hear her talk about this. Sensible eating and moderation don’t have to look extreme.

That applies to everyone, but it’s especially hard for people who struggle with eating disorders to understand.

When she says that thick thighs save lives, it’s almost literal — people worried about their thighs not meeting some impossible standard might starve themselves to death or damage their organs in an effort to conform to what they think that they’re supposed to look like.

Demi’s message could save lives.
