Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jeremy Roloff: Yep, My Daughter Can Even Do THIS Now!

Ember Jean Roloff has come a long way in just a few weeks.

Remember the update we provided about this tiny Little People, Big World star on the occasion of her five-month birthday?

We thought we were impressed at the time over how much Ember had grown and how far she had come in her development. (And don’t get us wrong: we were very impressed!)

But now Jeremy Roloff has taken to Instagram and shared a new update about his relatively new child…

… and we’re blown away by what Ember has apparently learned.

In short: she can do Yoga!

At least her own form of Yoga, based on what Jeremy penned as a caption to the photo above.

“I love this little girl,” he said simply to open this post, adding in more detail:

“We had her 6 month appointment today. She likes to do downward dog now and is into the whole yelling thing.”

LOL. It brings a smile to our face just imagining this precious child getting into the downward dog position.

Jeremy concluded his brief, albeit adorable and welcome, status update as follows:

Oh, and she tried her first bite of big girl food yesterday – it was messy.

HA! We can imagine.

Jeremy and wife Audrey Roloff welcomed Ember in their universe back on September 10, several days past Audrey’s due date.

But the child was clearly worth this long wait, considering how frequently the couple writes about her and the way they positively gush over Ember every chance they get.

“I never even thought I would be one of those moms who just wants to lay on the floor playing with their baby all day,” wrote Audrey a few weeks ago, continuing at the time:

“Before I became a mom I used to hear other moms saying things like, ‘oh the newborn phase is my favorite’ or ‘3-6 months is my favorite age.

“I always figured that my favorite age would be when they can actually communicate with me and are able to do more than eat and sleep. But I was wrong. And now I get it.”

The truth is, Auds, each phase is going to be your favorite.

That’s the beauty of parenthood, watching your child grow up, literally, before your very eyes, becoming her own person and developing her own habits/traits/values.

It’s amazing.

At some point this spring, TLC will air new episodes of Little People, Big World.

And while it’s been many months since Audrey was expecting, we’ve heard these installments will focus on her and Jeremy’s journey to parenthood.

We can’t wait to go behind the scenes and to discover various stories and secrets from this unique time in Audrey and Jeremy’s lives that we had not been aware of previously.

Until then, oh well… the following photos of Ember Jean will need to suffice!
