Thursday, March 22, 2018

Tom Scotto: Best Friend of O.J. Simpson Dies at 56

The life of O.J. Simpson has taken another strange turn today.

Simpson’s former best friend and longtime confidante Tom Scotto has passed away at the age of 56.

To understand just how bizarre Simpson and Scotto’s relationship was, we need only to look at the last few months of both men’s lives.

Simpson and Scotto

In October of 2017 Simpson was released from prison on robbery charges.

At the time of his release, Scotto offered to allow Simpson to move into his palatial home in Naples, Florida.

Scotto publicly rescinded the offer shortly thereafter, alleging that he recently learned Simpson had slept with his then-wife in 2007.

Shortly after that, Scotto was hospitalized due to complications from pneumonia.

Just nine days ago, Scotto spoke with Radar Online and informed the outlet that his health was on the upswing.

He claimed was soon to be moved out of the intensive care unit with the eventual goal of returning home.

Tom and OJ

Two days later, however, Scotto signed a “do not resuscitate” order after his health took yet another turn for the worse.

Today, family and friends were shocked by the new that Scotto had passed away.

“Tom Scotto died of the broken heart because O.J. slept with the man’s wife!” a source close both Scotto and Simpson tells Radar.

“O.J. only cares about himself but with Scotto’s death, he’s going to feel like sh-t!”

“It’s desperately sad Tom and O.J. didn’t settle their differences before he died, but now everyone’s worried what O.J. might do. He can behave all crazy and has an awful temper,” says a second source.

The tipster included a chilling (thought likely apocryphal) account of Scotto’s final moments:

“Scotto’s last words were ‘O.J. took everything away from me and I don’t want to live anymore,"” the insider alleges.

Obviously there’s no way to confirm that particular claim, but in his final interview – just days before his death – Scotto made his contempt for Simpson abundantly clear:

“After everything I did for O.J., that was complete betrayal,” Scotto said of the allegation that Simpson slept with his ex-wife.

“I was a brother to him.”
