Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Javi Marroquin: I Will NEVER Cheat on Lauren Comeau!

When Teen Mom 2 fans first learned that Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau are back together, the news was met with a fair amount of confusion.

Lauren and Javi dated during the summer of 2017, but it seemed that their mutual decision to part ways would be final.

After all, between the difficulties of long-distance dating and the challenges presented by Javi"s fame, Marroquin and Comeau had a lot standing in their way.

But the heart wants what it wants, and Javi and Lauren have officially decided to give their relationship another shot.

As expected, there have been some bumps along the way, but it seems the couple is committed to sticking by each other"s side through all the ups and downs:

1. Javi and Lauren: Together Again

Javi and lauren instagram official

Javi and Lauren announced their reconciliation by posting this photo on Instagram. Lauren captioned the pic, “Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.”

2. Second Time’s the Charm

Javi marroquin and lauren comeau

Javi and Lauren dated briefly in the summer of 2017, but they decided to call it quits due to a number of factors that were beyond their control.

3. Distance and Other Problems

Javi marroquin with lauren comeau

Lauren is a Maine native who currently resides in South Carolina. Javi is still based out of Delaware. In addition to the challenges presented by distance, Lauren was reportedly less than thrilled with the pressures of dating a well-known reality star.

4. A Reuluctant Separation

Lauren comeau selfie

So Javi and Lauren went their separate ways, but in hindsight, perhaps we should’ve seen this reconciliation coming. After all, the problems they faced are pretty minor compared to the issues that usually drive Teen Mom couples apart.

5. Javiana


For example, Javi’s relationship with Briana DeJesus was pretty much a trainwreck from the start. But sometimes in life, we have to experience what we don’t want firsthand so that we can fully appreciate what we do want.

6. A New Javi

Javier marroquin

Javi seemed to return to Lauren with a new appreciation of what he was really looking for in a relationship. But road bumps are inevitable, and the couple hit what could have been a big one this week…

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