Friday, March 16, 2018

Kendall Jenner Is Excited About Her Vagina in NSFW Music Video

If you"re not familiar with the rapper Lil Dicky, well, we"re sorry to be the ones to tell you, but you"ve been wasting your life.

The good news is, it"s not too late for you to familiarize yourself with the artist who"s alternately known as Slim Boner, the Human Bitcoin, and Mr. Leftward-Sloping Penis.

Dicky"s back catalog is well worth your time, but there"s no better place to start than with his newest music video, a collaboration with Chris Brown that dropped earlier this week.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, Hey, I clicked on an article about Kendall Jenner"s vagina! What"s all this talk about phallic rappers and heavily-tattooed R&B dudes?

Well, you see – Breezy isn"t the only celeb to make a cameo in Young Dick"s latest opus.

The song has something of a high-concept premise – Dicky and Chris swap bodies (hence the title, "Freaky Friday").

The emcees enjoy certain aspects of one another"s lives, but for obvious reasons, Brown is eager to get back to his life of groupies and public adulation.

And so, a second switch takes place.

We won"t get into all the details (you really have to watch this video), but complications lead to Dicky inhabiting Kendall Jenner"s physical form.

The rapper remains as genital-obsessed as ever, but now he has something new to explore.

"Holy sh-t, I got a vagina, I"m gonna learn," an excited Dickie-as-Kendall croons.

"I"m gonna understand the inner workings of a woman!"

Needless to say, this isn"t your typical hip hop video.

Do yourself a favor and check out the full clip below:


Kendall jenner is excited about her vagina in nsfw music video