Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Anna Duggar Appeared in WHAT "90s Sitcom?!

Some of our younger viewers may not remember a time when Fox was home to content deemed too edgy for the more mainstream networks.

Of course, our definition of “edgy” has changed dramatically in the past couple decades, and Cops and early seasons of The Simpsons seem pretty tame by today’s standards.

One show that routinely pushed the envelope in Fox’s undergorund days was the Ed O’Neil, Christina Applegate sitcom Married With Children.

And now it appears that one of TV’s trashiest families may have ties to the medium’s most wholesome clans.

There are few things that Duggar fans love more than exposing the family’s moral imperfections.

(To be fair, the family invites this on themselves with their more sanctimonious and hypocrtical tendencies.)

And the amateur sleuths who keep the closest watch on the Duggars believe they have unearthed a minor scandal involving Josh Duggar’s long-suffering wife, Anna.

It’s hard to believe, but Duggar obsessives say they have evidence that Anna Duggar appeared in an episode of Married With Children way back in 1992.

Before she married into the Duggar clan, Anna’s last name was Keller, and the credits confirm that an actress by that name did in fast appear in the episode.

The most obvious explanation is that the show featured an actress who happened to have the same name.

But that doesn’t explain why Anna’s official IMDB page features her sole acting credit.

Anna would’ve been just 4 years old at the time, and many fans have cited her age as evidence that it’s impossible for Anna to have appeared on Married.

But as several others have pointed out in a Reddit discussion forum on the subject (yes, fans are taking this very seriously), Anna’s role was not a speaking part, and she may have appeared in a group shot with other children.

Anna, of course, stayed with Josh Duggar after it was revealed that he molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

And she stayed with him when it was revealed that he’d used an Ashley Madison account to try and hit on her.

Needless to say, the Bundy-gate is hardly the biggest scandal that Anna’s been involved with.

But it would be amusing to find out with certainty that she starred in a show about a miserable marriage decades before she crossed paths with Josh.

Watch Counting On online to be reminded of the extent of Anna’s self-sacrifice.
