Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Counting On Recap: Unfinished Business

Monday evening on TLC’s Counting On Season 6 Episode 2, Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth were still living out of an RV.

Yes, their home was still unfinished. But they decided to enjoy their first meal together as a married couple there just the same.

If you watch Counting On online, you saw Joy and Austin’s courtship and wedding play out, but remember, these are Duggars.

This timeline was remarkably short. As such, they had never cooked a meal together before. In life. (Or had their own house.)

Even though the place wasn’t completed, “we thought it’d be special to eat our first meal in our new house,” Joy told producers.

Her 24-year-old husband added, “We don’t have to wait until the house is complete. We can go in there and have our first dinner.”

Joy, 20, wanted to make sure to make the setting “romantic,” despite the lack of finished floors, walls or air conditioning. Details.

That’s what the best memories are made of, right?

Obviously, for the pregnant Joy and Austin, living in an RV was not ideal, but they didn’t seem too bothered by the situation.

“Living in the RV is definitely … it’s fun,” Joy said with a smile. “It’s quaint,” Austin added. “Sometimes it can get a little tight.”

At the time, she was expecting, but still remaining tight-lipped about it; Joy-Anna Duggar gave birth to a son on February 23.

And yes, the house was finished on time for that.

Other Duggars experienced milestones as well on this installment, such as Jessa Duggar’s son Spurgeon and his first haircut.

At the age of 18 months, Spurge got his first trim … and Jessa herself did the honors. She’s talented as well as thrifty, after all.

“The strategy for giving Spurgeon his haircut is to distract him so he doesn’t really know what’s going on,” Jessa explained.

“I’m going to try to distract him and then just kind of sneak in there and trim it up,” she added, while husband Ben helped out.

“We should be able to get the job done,” he said. 

“If we can get him focused on something, then maybe he won’t move his head around a lot or try to grab Jessa’s hand or anything like that.”

They pulled it off. Down in Laredo, Texas, Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo were adjusting to life as newlyweds themselves.

Jeremy’s key to a happy marriage? “She’s the boss.” 

He’s a smart man. Jinger added, “We both, like with our personalities, we get along. We aren’t very upset by too much.”

Vuolo reiterated that Jinger Duggar wears the pants. Sometimes literally these days, and definitely in the figurative sense.

“There have been some disagreements, but I have learned through experience that if Jinger disagrees with me, she’s probably right.”

Key to a happy marriage right there.
