Thursday, March 29, 2018

Melania Trump: God, I Hate My Life

Melania Trump is reportedly unhappy in her marriage.

We know, right?!? How totally crazy and unbelievable, right?!?

What reason would the First Lady possibly have to want to trade places with pretty much any other woman in the free world?

Simply put, according to the latest issue of Us Weekly?

“She is very, very unhappy with her life. If she could, she would get away from Donald and just be with her son.”

Harsh? Some might say.

Others, however, might say that they don’t comprehend why Melania has even stuck by the President’s side this entire time.

Over the past few weeks, more attention than ever has been paid to a pair of women who claim they carried on an affair with Trump while he was married to Melania.

There’s been Stormy Daniels, of course, who opened up to 60 Minutes this week about the time she slept with Trump and the way he allegedly threatened her to remain quiet about it.

And then there’s Karen McDougal, who also opened up to CBS recently about the lengthy relationship she shared with Trump about a decade ago.

us cover

This latter romance supposedly took place just three months after Melania gave birth to the couple’s son.

Stephanie Grisham, a spokesperson for the First Lady, does not acknowledge any marital problems between Melania and Donald.

She just says the former “is focused on being a mom and is quite enjoying spring break at Mar-a-Lago while working on future projects.”

However, privately, says the tabloid’s supposedly reliable Melania source, she’s horrified that “all eyes are on her relationship with her husband. It’s not an easy time for her.”

We can’t imagine how it could be, no.

Might we see the unthinkable?

Might we see something that has never happened before in Presidential history?

Might a First Lady file to divorce a sitting Commander-in-Chief?

A few weeks ago, Trump himself joked that people around him are asking who will leave him first, advisor “Steve Miller or Melania?”

According to Spin Magazine, a break-up may not be in the cards, but we shouldn’t expect to see a smiling Melania posing alongside a smiling Trump any time soon, either.

“The first lady has a track record of abandoning traditional photo ops with her husband after reports of affairs go public,” a source tells this publication.

Again: Can anyone really blame her?

Melania has also come under fire for constantly insisting that a main tenant of her First Lady platform is to do away with cyberbullying.

She says she is strongly against those who tear down others on social media.

We can’t even think of a joke to make in this regard.

Has she never seen her own husband’s Twitter account?!?
