Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Kylie Jenner Shows Off Stormi Webster, Sweet Baby Cheeks

Just a few days ago, Kylie Jenner shared the first close-up of her pretty girl, Stormi Webster, who’s barely over one month old.

That photo was altered by filters. But Kylie’s brand new glimpse of Stormi at 5 weeks is a bit clearer and intensely cute.

Wait until you see her little cheeks!

Using Instagram stories — remember, Kylie tweeted that she doesn’t use Snapchat anymore, and then the company lost $ 1.3 billion in value in 24 hours — Kylie shared this new glimpse of her sweet baby.

Fair warning: if you like babies or just think that they’re cute, these photos will just ruin you. In a good way.

(Seriously, prepare for an oxytocin rush)

Kylie shared this sweet snap and while, yes, there are some filters involved, they don’t obscure this sweet baby’s beautiful, peaceful face.

Take a look:


Ever since Kylie welcomed her baby girl on February 1st, she’s been careful about very slowly rolling out photos of her sweet baby Stormi.

She waited until February 7th to tell fans that her daughter’s name was Stormi Webster.

(The surname Webster comes from Travis Scott’s real name, Jacques Webster)

If you found those hearts too distracting, here’s an even closer look at this adorable sweetheart.

Those cheeks have laid claim to our hearts.

Now that everybody’s gotten their daily dose of oxytocin, here’s the message that Kylie included along with this precious look at her adorable baby.

She wrote: “These cheeks!” She also labeled the Snap “Angel.”

We strongly second both of those messages.

Kylie also decided to share a little of what Stormi’s nursery looks like.

Take a look:

Stormi Webster Nursery

In case you missed it, Kylie wrote “I love her room” in scrawling letters along the bottom of the image.

That is just super sweet.

(Speaking of sweet things, is that a candy-filled anthropomorphic mouse toy with “B@BY” written on it? What … what is that?)

Kylie and Travis are so happy to have their little girl.

That said … it’s reported that Travis is counting down the days until he can bang Kylie again.

(The doctor will likely wait to give the all-clear for intercourse until, like, mid-March)

But we’d say that this little cutie is worth the disruption in their lives. Wouldn’t you?

Precious, even though we can’t really see her whole face thanks to the pacifier (and the filter that Kylie employed is pretty distracting itself).

Some wonder how much Kylie will commercialize her baby. After all, Kylie wasn’t even a teenager yet when Keeping Up With The Kardashians launched. She never had a chance to be even a normal rich person.

And, arguably, just by virtue of being Kylie’s daughter, neither will Stormi.

She’s already one of the most famous babies on the planet, and that’s not likely to change any time in the near future.

But how much will Kylie work to make her daughter part of her brand? Some wonder that she may … while others point out that Kylie keeping the pregnancy a “secret” is a sign that she won’t be dragging Stormi into the spotlight.

It has to be difficult to find the right balance, but we hope that Kylie will get there.

And, of course, that we’ll all continue to see a tasteful number of photos of this adorable baby. She’ll be walking and talking before we know it.
