Friday, March 23, 2018

Donald Trump Sex Tape: Oh, God, Does It Actually Exist?

Stormy Daniels has made it very clear over the past several days:

The porn star says she will NOT be silenced about her affair with Donald Trump.

Similarly, a new rumor is making its way around the Internet that alleges Daniels was once very, very loud during a certain interaction with Donald Trump.

A certain naked interaction with Donald Trump.

A certain naked interaction with Donald Trump that was filmed on camera.

Yes, what we’re saying is this: A sex tape starring Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels may very well exist.

Such chatter is making folks cringe and vomit across social media after Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, Tweeted the following:

If ‘a picture is worth a thousand words,’ how many words is this worth?????

The mysterious caption accompanied the photo of a compact disc, implying that there’s some salacious material out there that features Trump and Daniels.

djt accuse

Will it ever see the light of day?

What might this disc contain?

We shudder at the thought.

Daniels, of course, is an adult entertainer who alleges that she carried on an affair with Trump back in 2006.

Trump’s own lawyer has admitted to paying Daniels $ 130,000, although he did not explicitly state this was in exchange for her silence over said affair.

Stormy and her legal team have said on many occasions that she did, indeed, sign a non-disclosure agreement after accepting this sum of money… but that is it not legally binding because Trump never signed it.

In the past few days, Daniels has made a point of keeping herself in the news in order to make it clear to the President that she isn’t going away.

The porn star has been Tweeted back and forth with critics and even claimed to have passed a lie detector test that PROVES she formerly slept with Trump.

Well, not sleep, exactly.

“Technically I didn’t sleep with the POTUS 12 years ago,” Daniels recently wrote in a pretty iconic Tweet, adding:

“There was no sleeping (hehe) and he was just a goofy reality TV star.

“But I digress…People DO care that he lied about it, had me bullied, broke laws to cover it up, etc. And PS…I am NOT going anywhere. xoxoxo.”

Stormy Daniels Tweets about Trump Affair

Daniels, it should be noted, will appear on 60 Minutes this Sunday night.

It’s very possible that her lawyer was simply drumming up interest for that interview with his above Tweet, although that doesn’t make us wonder any less to what he’s referring with this image.

Thanks to Vox, for example, which published text from the non-disclosure agreement reportedly signed by Daniels, we know that Stormy may be in possession of explicit Donald Trump material. 

These excerpts mention that Daniels agreed in 2016 to divest herself of any evidence of the affair … including “video images” and “still images.”

In other words: maybe there isn’t a sex tape.

But there may be pictures out there of Donald Trump’s penis.

God help us all.
