Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Kim Kardashian Eats Noodles Naked, Twitter Loses Its Mind

If there were an Oscar for Achievement in the Field of Creative Nudity, Kim Kardashian would win it every year.

You see, Kim is naked a lot, but she almost never serves up the same type of nudity twice.

Take the latest addition to her body of work, which we call Noodles in the Nude:

Yes, that’s Kim eating what appears to be some sort of udon dish while topless.

Obviously, this is very dangerous, as hot liquids and nipples are a bad combination.

But Kim is happy to do it for the ‘Gram, as the kids say, and for that, we thank her.

As usual, the comments on Kim’s latest nude are a mixed bag.

Most people were just duly appreciative of some unexpected boobs, but for some reason, mom-shaming Kim Kardashian is one of the internet’s favorite activities.

“Like no, put on some clothes, like at this age with how ever many kids you have and you doing this, isn’t working for you,” commented one user who seems like a lot of fun at parties.

“You should be embarrassed to show your body as much as you do with your ridiculous wigs,” wrote another Mom of the Year candidate.

“Your a very poor role model for your children. I watch your photos as you post them for many years but never say anything. Somewhere you really need to stop.”

You’d think before criticizing the parenting of a person you’ve never met, you’d edit the living hell out of your comment to make sure your grammar was 100 percent on point.

But apparently, Kim’s haters don’t have time to distinguish between “your” and “you’re.”

Anyway, Kim is obviously fully aware of the fact that living well is the best revenge.

Rather than take the time to respond to the trash-talkers, she simply continues having an amazing life and looking impossibly good while naked.

It’s a wonderful method of coping with douche-baggery that’s unfortunately not available to everyone.

Some of us still have to handle things the old-fashioned way.

By which we mean crying, deleting our account, and then quietly reactivating it like three hours later.
