Thursday, March 15, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Shares Touching Message After Returning Home from Rehab!

If you’ve been keeping up with Catelynn Lowell, then you know that these past several months have not been so kind to her.

In a way, the past several years haven’t been too kind to her, but let’s just stick with these current bad times, OK?

We’ve seen glimpses of what’s been going on, thanks to all the updates Catelynn and Tyler have shared on social media, and now that we’re getting further into this season of Teen Mom OG, the story is coming together.

Last fall, Catelynn and Tyler discussed having another child, and she was able to get pregnant pretty quickly. They told family members, and they were very excited.

But then she had a miscarriage, and it was very difficult for them both.

Things were so bad that Cate admitted to contemplating suicide, and she made the tough decision to check into a treatment center to deal with everything.

She stayed for a while before checking out early to spend the holidays with Tyler and their daughter, but quickly realized she wasn’t ready yet, so she checked back into rehab.

After completing the full six weeks, she returned home, but a few weeks after that, she announced that she’d be checking back into the same center to deal with childhood trauma and to get her medications adjusted.

She completed those six weeks of treatment, and went home just in time to film the Teen Mom reunion special.

So right now, she’s back in Michigan with her family, and hopefully she’s feeling much better now.

Well, we kind of know she’s feeling better now — she said so in a new post she made on Instagram!

The post is in the form of one of those inspirational memes you see floating around social media all the time, and it starts off with “I AM ENOUGH.”

Catelynn meme

“I am full of sparkle and compassion,” the text reads. “I genuinely want to make the world a better place. I love hard. I practice kindness. I am not afraid of the truth.”

“I am loyal, adventurous, supportive, and surprising. I am a woman. I am enough.”

The message, which Catelynn apparently thinks represents herself — and we do too, just to be clear! — continues with “I make mistakes, but I own them and learn from them.”

“Sometimes I make a lot of mistakes.”

In her own caption, she just added a bunch of emojis, like a heart and one of those kissy faces.

It is just a little Instagram post, but this is still a good sign, right?

It’s good that she’s thinking of herself in this way, and we’re hoping this means that she’s really done a lot of work in dealing with everything she’s been through.

And we’re not the only ones loving this kind of positivity — her comments were flooded with fans who are just as proud as can be of her.

“You are a beautiful, strong, amazing woman, mama, and wife!” one such person told her. “Keep fighting, girl!”

Another wrote “You ARE enough! Your journey has been inspiring & I thank you for always sharing with others because I can say it’s definitely helped me. Keep your head up!”

“Sweet girl!” yet another fan told her. “You’ve been through hell in your life and you are working through those traumas. You are beautiful, strong and an inspiration. Don’t forget that!”

It must be so nice for her to be able to hop on Instagram and see so much encouragement, right?

Of course, she does have some haters — she is a reality star, after all.

But it really does look like most people are being kind and considerate and uplifting, which is heartwarming, and almost enough to restore some faith in humanity.

Keep up the good work, Catelynn!
