Friday, March 9, 2018

Lamar Odom: Headed for Another Health Crisis?

Oh dear. Lamar Odom is reportedly back at it again, making the rounds and indulging himself in Las Vegas.

What happens in Vegas does not, in fact, stay there, and multiple witnesses are describing exactly what they saw go down.

Is he spiraling out of control again?

The world remembers how, just a few years ago, Lamar Odom suffered a horrifying medical crisis that many feared would claim his life.

He was rushed from the Vegas brothel to the hospital. By mistake, Khloe was initially told that he had died.

The situation was so dire that Khloe asked a judge to bring their divorce to a grinding halt so that she could make any medical decisions necessary.

And so that she could supervise his recovery — which she eventually did, practically nursing him back to health.

Between that and major health scares like Lamar’s collapse at a night club late last year, you’d think that he’d be being careful.

Unfortunately, it sounds like he’s putting himself at risk again.

RadarOnline reports that, per multiple eyewitnesses who spilled everything to them, Lamar Odom is back in Vegas.

And it doesn’t sound like a social visit.

They report that Lamar returned to Vegas for gambling last week, and that his indulgence lasted multiple days and spanned two different casinos.

One was the Wynn Hotel and the other was SLS.

And they describe the reports of eyewitnesses.

The first, who saw him on March 4th, describes spotting him nearby.

“He was right at the table next to me gambling.”

They went on, saying how casually they were able to engage with him.

“He was very easy to approach.”

Another who saw him on March 5th

“I was kind of surprised to see him in Vegas after the events of his last foray out there that nearly cost him his life.”

This isn’t the first time that Khloe’s ex has been spotted tempting fate.

Reportedly, Lamar was drinking on New Year’s. Drinking alcohol can be fun, but surely it’s not worth risking your life.

But it is his life to throw away.

Recently, he appeared to throw shade at Khloe over her pregnancy.

That did not go over well, and prompted Kim Kardashian to slam Lamar by reminding him of his brush with death in Vegas.

One might wonder if Lamar is in Vegas purely to defy the Kardashians.

But it’s important to note that Lamar was, per the reports, just gambling.

The former NBA player wasn’t accused of drinking or anything else here. And while Lamar did have a health crisis in Vegas, it was not because he was gambling.

It’s possible that some fans are overreacting because they worry about his health.

But … someone has to worry about his health, right?

And since Khloe Kardashian is happily with Tristan Thompson and eagerly expecting the birth of their daughter and being a happy family together, we’d say that she has her hands a little too full.

She can’t babysit Lamar anymore. He needs to look after himself.
