Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Queen to Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: Cool It on the PDA, Ya Pervs!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be married in less than two months.

The couple began dating in 2016, and they obviously haven’t wasted any time in rushing to the altar.

Royal romances don’t usually move so quickly (just ask Kate Middleton), but Harry and Meg just couldn’t wait.

As anyone who’s seen the soon-to-be-newlyweds interact in public knows, these two are clearly head over heels for one another.

Most royal watchers seem pleased with the break from stodgy formality, but not everyone feels the same.

In fact, when it comes to stodgy formality, Queen Elizabeth II (or QE2 as she’s known on these streets) is all like, “That’s my sh-t, fam!”

According to the Australian tabloid Women’s Day, the Queen has weighed in on Harry and Meghan’s fondness for PDA, and she is not amused.

“Being affectionate just comes naturally to Harry and Meghan, but it’s totally against royal protocol,” a source tells the mag.

“The queen isn’t thrilled about it at all and word is she summoned Harry to the palace to remind him what’s expected of a royal.”

The insider added that the Queen’s take on premarital displays of affection is downright Duggar-like in its stringency.

“All the hand-holding just isn’t the royal way at all.”

So what comes next for Harry and Meg?

Well, she might be old enough to remember pounding Scotch with Churchill, but for now, at least, the Queen is still the HBIC, and what she says goes.

“He and Meghan will have to tone things down from now on,” says the source.

“Harry has so much respect for his grandmother, and while he doesn’t see anything wrong with what they’re doing in public, he certainly wouldn’t want to be seen as disobeying orders.”

So we suppose we’ll be seeing less of Harry and Meghan daring to make skin-on-glove contact in the weeks to come.

Once the vows are exchanged, however, all bets are off.

Here’s hoping they really stick it to the Queen and signal the start of a new era by live-streaming the wedding night.
