Monday, April 16, 2018

Audrey Roloff: Here Are 7 Things I Love About My Daughter

Have you blinked in the past few months? 

If so, you may have missed Ember Jean Roloff growing up right before our very eyes.

The first and, to date, only child of Audrey and Jeremy Roloff, Ember was born in September of 2017 and has come a very long way since the day of her birth.

Just how long?

Audrey has provided yet another helpful status update via Instagram, starting with a pair of precious new Ember photos.

Check them out below!

1. Look at Her Now!

Ember at 7 months

It really is amazing that Ember has come this far. We’ve taken such pleasure in seeing her grow up before our eyes… on social media, that is.

2. Ember Stands!

Ember stands

We mean… check her out here! Almost standing on her own! If this makes you wonder what else Ember can now do, Audrey is happy to let you know.

3. 7 Months Old!

Ember crawls

“7 months old! Here’s 7 things I love about you Ember Jean…” started Audrey as a caption to her new photos.

4. The First Thing I Love:

With ember

Writes Audrey: “I love your big sleepy smile and scrunched up nose as you reach for me when I come into your room after naptime and in the morning.”

5. The Second Thing:

Auds jer and ember

“I love the sound of your laugh when you’re playing with Dad and all your “Dadadadads.”

6. The Third Thing

Embers eyes

“I love watching you explore our house on your hands and knees, discovering new things you shouldn’t play with and chasing Pine the kitty.”

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