Thursday, April 26, 2018

Prince Harry to Prince William: Will You Be My Best Man?

Is it getting a little dusty in here, or is it just us?

As you’re no doubt aware, Prince Harry is set to marry Meghan Markle next month, and the final preparations are taking place at a frantic rate.

Harry and Meghan’s invitations have been sent out, and the gown has been designed by some fashion world luminary and hand-stitched by a dozen peasants working in shifts (we assume).

Even Meghan’s bachelorette party has been arranged for by none other than Kate Middleton.

But what about Harry?

Who will order the most talented exotic dancers from each corner of the British Empire so that they might have the honor of twerking for the Ginger Prince?

Well, we know how the answer to that question thanks to this totes adorbz announcement from Kensington Palace.

The palace’s official Twitter account tweeted that photo along with this not-so-surprising announcement:

“The Duke of Cambridge is honored to have been asked, and is very much looking forward to supporting his brother at St. George’s Chapel,” palace officials tweeted.

So Kate is Meghan’s matron of honor and Will is Harry’s best man?

We guess this is further evidence that the Markle family isn’t terribly close-knit. 

Obviously, Will has a good deal on his plate these days, what with Kate Middleton having welcomed her third child earlier this week.

But the royal hustle never stops, and so, Will was spotted alongside Harry and Meghan at the Anzac Day Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving on Wednesday

William was overheard talking about the new #royalbaby and assuring a loyal subject that his three-day-old child is already comporting himself in a princely fashion.

“Sleeping’s going reasonably well so far, so he’s behaving himself, which is good,” Will was overheard saying.

We assume he then looked around and asked, “Hey anyone else got any more royal stuff for me to do? I can’t go home yet. You can’t make me!”

Royals – they’re just like us!
