Saturday, April 28, 2018

Jessa Duggar: I Have a "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" to Make!

Attention, good people of the Internet.

Jessa Duggar would like your attention.

The veteran reality star took to her Instagram Stories page on Friday and addressed the elephant in the room, which isn’t really an accurate description of the rumors surrounding Jessa these days.

It’s more apt to say she addressed the alleged fetus in the womb.

Indeed, chatter has been ongoing for weeks now that Jessa is pregnant with her third child, despite already have a two-year old and a one-year old at home.

This would be an unusual development for some women… but for a Duggar woman?

No judgment or anything, you just never know with this family.

“Jessa is definitely pregnant and will be making an announcement in April,” a source close to the family told five weeks ago.

Lo and behold, it is now April — and Duggar did just jump on social media to say she has a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT.

She’s really expecting again?!?!?!?!?!?


“Bc I’ve been asked if I’m hiding a bit of a bump… BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Yes!” Duggar captioned a photo of herself in a baggy sweatshirt yesterday, adding:

“But it’s currently a shrinking bump rather than a growing one. #postpartum #baggyshirts #thanksforasking.”


Jessa gave birth to a son named Henry on February 7 of last year and also has a toddler named Spurgeon at home with husband Ben Seewald.

It wouldn’t surprise us one bit if the couple eventually adds to its brood with another boy or girl, but not this soon.

Heck, Jessa may not be anxious to keep cranking out kids at all if she’s gonna keep getting dragged online for the most basic of acts.

Shortly before she joked around on Instagram, Jessa posted a video of her young sons running around outside without shoes on.

“Toddlers. So cute to watch them discover all the little details in their world!” Jessa captioned the VERY innocent video.

And then she sat back and watched and horrible trolls yelled at her for being a bad mother because the kids weren’t wearing shoes.

You tell us: Did Jessa deserve crap for this footage?

In a new TLC video, it’s true that Jessa beamed as her younger sister described her experiences as a first-time expectant mother.

“It’s so much fun talking to Jinger,” said Jessa, adding:

“She’s been going through this pregnancy journey and she’s been drawing out all of the different things she’s experiencing.”

Jessa also joked that her sibling better make sure to “enjoy those extra calories!”

Does this mean she’s anxious to get pregnant herself and gobble up as much food as possible?

Not really. Don’t be fooled.

“There’s days where it feels like we have just hardly any time in the evening together,” Jessa said in a Counting On preview in response to Ben mentioning having another child.

Again, we’re certain this will happen someday.

But that day is not today. We doubt it will be tomorrow, either.

P.S. Nice joke, Jessa!

You got us with it! And it made us laugh out loud!

Always nice to see when celebrities can have fun with the many rumors floating around out there about them.
