Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Farrah Abraham Mom-Shames at Coachella: At Least I"M a Good Parent!

Look, everybody knows that Farrah Abraham is wild and wacky and all that. It’s not new information at this point, not by a long shot.

But still, sometimes the things that come out of her mouth are just so insane that you can’t help but stop and appreciate it.

Like, how is it even possible for her to be as delusional as she is sometimes?

Does she just lack all self-awareness? Is she perpetually confused? Is there some Farrah who is capable of acting like a normal human being in an alternate universe and we accidentally got this one?

It’s hard to understand how Farrah is so Farrah-like, but here we are.

And man, this nonsense she’s spouting now is something else …

See, Farrah and her poor daughter Sophia are out in Palm Springs right now for Coachella.

Over the weekend, Farrah shared some photos of herself at the festival, promoting different products like her life depended on it — though now that she’s done with Teen Mom, her livelihood almost definitely depends on it.

In one of the photos, she and Sophia posed with some products at Sephora, apparently leading some people to wonder if that dynamic mother-daughter duo would be doing Coachella together.

But Farrah needs you to know that that is not the case.

In an interview with Us Weekly, Farrah said that Sophia is “just so fun!”, and that “we have henna, we have braids, it’s like a girl party everyday.”

“I mean, these are the moments right now that I love. I couldn’t trade it for anything else.”

That’s pretty sweet, right?

But since the interview was actually done at Coachella, she felt the need to add that Sophia was in bed, not in attendance.

“I just have to say,” she told the magazine, “I’m sorry, the inner-mom and the critical parent in me is like, I’m at the Coachella festival and I have to say, when I see a newborn, I honestly don’t think it’s a safe place for children.”

“That’s why my daughter’s at a resort, enjoying the pools and the country club with a nanny.”

She explained that the area is “so serene and beautiful,” but “I don’t think that Coachella, with drugs and psychedelic sh-t, is safe for a kid to be around.”

“I kind of question when I was reading on my way here, I was reading that some parents are saying, ‘Yeah, bring your kids! It’s fun for the kids."”

Just so she’s perfectly clear, she added “I honestly don’t think it’s safe for kids, so I have to disagree.”

So this is Farrah Abraham discussing what is and is not a safe, healthy environment for children.

Farrah Abraham.

On Teen Mom, Farrah often left baby Sophia unattended in dangerous situations — around stairs without gates, for instance.

She left Sophia on her bed as an infant (she fell off), and she also left her in the kitchen sink during a bath (she turned on the hot water and burned herself).

She waxed her eyebrows when she was a toddler, and she once said that it was healthy for them to spend time apart at that age so they could each do their own thing.

She let Sophia around her own mother, Debra Danielsen, when she sobbed and threatened to kill herself.

She’s said that Debra was abusive, but she’s left Sophia with her for weeks at a time.

Just last week, she brought her along when she got butt injections, and she even got her to film the occasion.

This is just a very, very short list of things that Farrah has done, but sure, bringing a kid to Coachella is the worst thing you could do as a parent, and she’s totally fit to criticize you for it.

This girl
