Friday, April 13, 2018

29 Stars Who Suck For Having Cheated

Cheaters never win and winners never cheat. 

But cheaters do make good celebrity gossip fodder, which is the reason we"ve covered so many of them in depth on our website.

Below, we rundown a number of known bad boyfriends and husbands (from golfers to Presidents; actors to reporters) and we send one simple message to them all, courtesy of their significant others:


1. Tristan Thompson

Khloe tristan side by side

Thompson is among the worst of the offenders listed here. Just click on the above name to read all about how he cheated on a PREGNANT Khloe Kardashian.

2. Donald Trump

Donald trump in a foul mood

The President has admitted to having multiple affairs while married, dating back to his first union with Ivana. Most recently, a porn star named Stormy Daniels has gone on record with her naked Trump romp. (This guy is our President!)

3. Josh Duggar

Josh duggar baby photo

Josh Duggar didn’t merely admit to cheating on his wife. He admitted to being a client on Ashley Madison and to having an addiction to porn! Dude sucks.

4. Tiger Woods

Tiger woods on the course

Really, everyone else on this list is just playing for second place. The guy slept with every cocktail waitress who has ever served a drink. While he was married to a hottie!

5. Scott Disick

Kourtney and scott split

We always knew Scott Disick was a drinker. But it came out in the summer of 2015 that he’s also a cheater! Good riddance, dude!

6. Jesse James

Hot jesse james

Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock. But she eventually found his replacement: a little guy named Oscar.

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