Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Teen Mom 2: See the First SUPER Dramatic Trailer for the New Season!

Let"s be real, this season of Teen Mom OG lasted a very, very long time, and with all the serious issues it featured — Ryan"s ongoing issues with drugs and with being a good person, Catelynn"s trips to rehab, Amber"s life — it"s been a lot to handle.

It"s been fun seeing the OG ladies live their lives, and we"re definitely pumped about the reunion, but it"s time for something different, you know?

It"s time for some Teen Mom 2.

MTV managed to work out this nifty little cycle where once you"re just about sick of one set of moms, they bring on the other set, and so when the new season of Teen Mom 2 premieres on May 7th, we"ll be more than ready for it.

We already know some of the things that will be featured this season, of course — the drama between Kailyn, Javi and Briana will surely be unavoidable, and we imagine there"s no way they can get around explaining David"s firing.

And now that the network was kind enough to share this first little teaser of all that will go down this season, the whole thing is really starting to come together.

First, we see Jenelle crying as someone tells her not to focus on the gossip, which could pertain to so many things, really. Maybe this is the breakdown that led to her sending cease and desist letters to all her fellow cast members.

Next, we see Briana tell Kailyn that she"s "just salty that Javi is moving on," but Kailyn replies "I don"t give a sh-t if he moves on!"

They don"t show it, but we"ll get to see Javi moving on from Briana this season, too!

Next, we see Jenelle say "she"s trying to take my son away from me," presumably referring to that time last year that Nathan"s mother tried to get custody of Kaiser.

That should be an especially good storyline, considering that the reasoning behind the filing was Jenelle and David"s alleged abuse and neglect of their children.

Leah tells someone something about their "bullsh-t drama" — we have no idea what this could be about, but it sounds great and we"re definitely here for it.

Next we see Chelsea crying in a car, and we can only assume it"s because of something Adam did.

Then Jenelle is crying and hugging David. This part is extra exciting because if you"ll notice, they"re wearing the clothes they wore at last season"s reunion.

You know, the one where Jenelle freaked out about Nathan"s girlfriend and had that huge meltdown that we never got to see when the actual reunion aired.

Meanwhile, the narrator says that "Every rumor has two sides. This season the truth is revealed.

Thanks, can"t wait!

Watch the full trailer below:

Teen mom 2 see the first super dramatic trailer for the new seas