Friday, April 27, 2018

Kim Kardashian: How the Heck Am I Gonna Help Kanye?!?

Kim Kardashian has taken a break from posing nude in order to stop and wonder:

What can I do? How can I save my husband from another mental breakdown?

Because it sure does seem as if Kanye West is in need of some saving right about now.

The rapper has taken over every headline on the Internet by rattling on about his affection for Donald Trump, his freedom to have an independent mind…

… and who the heck knows what else?

West says he doesn’t want to be “enslaved by monolithic thought” and believes that he and the President share the same “dragon energy.”

Is he just rambling and ranting and raving in order to garner attention and sell many albums when he releases new music this summer?


But could he have legitimately lost his mind, especially when one considers that Kanye was hospitalized for nine days toward the end of 2016 due to some kind of breakdown?


“The Kardashians are really trying to convince Kanye to go and get some help,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online, adding of their concern and Kanye’s behavior:

“He is like a loose cannon right now, and no one knows what to do next. The entire family is literally glued to their cell phones.”

Earlier this week, Kim acted unconcerned about her husband.

In fact, she slammed those who dared to suggest that West was anything but stable and healthy.

“To the media trying to demonize my husband let me just say this… your commentary on Kanye being erratic & his tweets being disturbing is actually scary,” Kardashian Tweeted, prior to adding in detail:

“So quick to label him as having mental health issues for just being himself when he has always been expressive is not fair.”

Isn’t it possible, Kim, that folks are just concerned about Kanye?

He’s a beloved artist. People want him to get better.

Continued Kim in defense of her man:

“He’s a free thinker, is that not allowed in America? Because some of his ideas differ from yours you have to throw in the mental health card? That’s just not fair.

“He’s actually out of the sunken place when he’s being himself which is very expressive.

“Kanye will never run in the race of popular opinion and we know that and that’s why I love him and respect him and in a few years when someone else says the same exact thing but they aren’t labeled the way he is  and you will all praise them!

“Kanye is years ahead of his time.”

That’s debatable.

It’s also BS, Radar claims.

According to the website’s insider, Kim “has put her life on hold to babysit her husband.”

She doesn’t know what to do except to perhaps gather all his loved ones around and have them explain to him how his actions are making them feel.

Will this even make a difference?

Will Kanye listen to anyone but himself?

Heck, does he even need professional assistance?

These are questions to which we may never have answers.

But all his fans really need to ask themselves is this:

Will you still purchase Kanye’s music after all of this?
