Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Khloe Kardashian SLAMS Her Fans: How DARE You Give Me Advice?!

Khloe Kardashian, who has been observed over the years as someone who becomes angry if others do not take her advice, does not want to hear your life advice.

She reportedly plans to stay with Tristan Thompson for one more month … but fans and others who care about her don’t think that’s soon enough.

If you’re one of the people who’s tweeted at her to dump that cheater, she wants you, personally, to f–k off.

Over Memorial Day weekend, Khloe tweeted:

“People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being.”

First of all, talk about not focusing on others sounds kind of funny coming from Khloe, whose current TV series is Revenge Body

Second of all, it does sound like she’s subtweeting at Tristan. Was he blaming his various mistresses?

But Khloe makes it clear that she’s not talking about Tristan. She’s talking about … almost everyone else.

“People these days are focused so much on someone else’s life instead of their own.”

Khloe, honey, that is exactly why you have a reality career. That’s … the entire concept of reality stars and celebrities.

Khloe continues, and speaks about unnamed persons who seem happy to give suggestionst that they themselves do not follow.

“They love to give advice but are not living the advice that they are offering.”

We have a theory about what Khloe may mean by that … we’ll get to it in a moment.

“Most of the ones giving advice are in no place to give anything at all.”

Like we said, our theory is below.

“Focus on your own world.”

She says that no one is perfect.

“I’m sure there’s cracks there that need your attention.”

She says that everyone has their own issues, which she apparently thinks that they need to fix before helping someone else.

“We all got em.”

After essentially stating that only people who are perfect are allowed to give people advice, Khloe suggest that the people giving her advice are perhaps just trying to sabotage her happiness.

“Misery loves company…”

If she’s happy being in a relationship with a serial cheater, perhaps she resents anyone who tries to talk sense into her.

“People can’t stand for someone else to flourish and be happy.”

That’s … not necessarily true.

“Nowadays people thrive off ones downfall rather than their success. Sadly.”

A downfall is more interesting than success, to be sure. But we don’t know that thrive is the right word.

Khloe continued, suggesting that everyone’s assumptions might be missing the mark.

“Wild that people assume you’re speaking about something and they run with it.”

She marvels that vague tweets seen by millions of people could somehow be misinterpreted.

“Anything and everything gets twisted into something it’s completely not.”

She then threatens to go on Twitter hiatus again.

“Lord, I’m remembering how much I loved my social media break.”

The idea of that apparently brings her a lot of amusement.


Does Khloe hate her fans?

Khloe did share a positive message on Instagram over the weekend, saying:

“If all girls were taught how to love each other fiercely instead of how to compete with each other and hate their own bodies, what a different and beautiful world we would live in.”

That’s very nice.

So, we said that we have a theory about Khloe’s line about others giving her advice but not taking it.

Khloe’s mistake right now is that she’s standing by her man even though he’s done bad things that have humiliated her.

Can we think of anyone else who is making a similar mistake right now but also believes that Khloe should leave Tristan?

Kim Kardashian is standing up for Kanye no matter what stupid things he says.

But Kim and Tristan have unfollowed each other on Instagram. It’s probably safe to say that Kim thinks that Khloe should dump Tristan’s cheating ass (or whichever cheating body part).

But Kim doesn’t have to have common sense about her own marriage to see when Khloe’s making a mistake. She, and Khloe’s fans, just want to see Khloe live her best life.

And they can’t imagine that it’s possible with Tristan holding her back from true happiness.
