Friday, May 18, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 24 Recap: All of Me

For an episode that was supposed to be dealing with the exits of both Jessica Capshaw and Sarah Drew, Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 24 was actually a happy affair that helped all of the characters make big decisions. 

There was a necessary time-jump thrown in for good measure, and during the break, April had quit her job and was helping communities that needed her. She regained her faith. 

Oh, and she was also getting jiggy with Mathew once again, so there’s that. 

Alex and Jo’s wedding day kicked off with a thud when Jo learned that she had been accepted on the fellowship she applied for in Boston. This frightened Meredith because she was scared at the prospect of losing Alex. 

In a selfish move, Mer offered Jo a job as an attending surgeon, and Jo took this as Alex asking her to do it and flipped the eff out. When Jo realized the error of her ways, she and Alex made their way into a shed (I think!) and had some pre-marital sex. 

However, they were both stuck in the shed … with a decomposed body. 

But it was alright, their friends and co-workers were at the wrong wedding anyway thanks to a technical glitch with the link April sent out. As they geared up to leave the faux wedding, the bride’s mother took a heart attack. 

Bailey led the mother to the hospital because she knew what was going on and she was greeted by Teddy, who was back … with a big secret. 

This whole incident made Bailey realize that she needed a break from the hospital to live her life and she offered Teddy an interim role as her replacement. 

Teddy revealed to the bride’s mother that she was expecting a child just as Amelia realized she harbored feelings for Owen. 


When the wedding planner ate shrimp and took an allergic reaction, the doctors had to keep their wits about them in order to save her life. They managed to save her, but the wedding did not go ahead. 

Instead, it took place on the ferry and Meredith ordained it. No, we’re totally not kidding. 

April, Jackson, Matthew, and Arizona were ominously missing, but we learned they were still on the island. Matthew admitted to April that he loved her and was happy to be back together with her. 

They subsequently got married at the place Jo and Alex were supposed to get married. So, yeah, there were three weddings in one episode!

Arizona was gearing up to leave town to open her own clinic with Herman, and she smiled every single time Callie sent her a message. 

April and Arizona got happy endings, and it’s probably for the best. Could you imagine ABC HQ this morning if one or both of them were killed off?

What did you think of the big finish?

Hit the comments below. 

Grey’s Anatomy returns in the fall.
