Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Voice Recap: The Top 8 Perform

With The Voice Season 14 winding down, the Top 8 took to the stage to perform with the aim of securing a place in next week’s final. 

The Voice has a nasty habit of taking too many performers to the live shows, and it means an alarming number are eliminated in the lead-up to the finale. 

It creates drama but also makes it more difficult to connect with any of the stars. Let’s break down the top 8 performances and try to narrow down who will make it through the elimination bloodbath. 

Brynn Cartelli (Team Kelly) – “What the World Needs Now”

If Brynn wanted to prove that she was a force to be reckoned with, she sure as hell accomplished that goal Monday night. For the first time in a long time, her performance was solid from start-to-finish and provided viewers with a great showcase. 

There’s no way she’s not making it to the final four, and if she doesn’t, she has a bright future ahead of her. 

Jackie Foster (Team Alicia) – “Here I Go Again” 

Jackie has been a bit all over the place of late, and that’s down to the downright bizarre songs being chosen for her. I mean, it’s obvious she has a great voice. 

But the voice only works well with certain songs, and that’s what’s putting Jackie at a disadvantage. She shouted her way through this performance, and it seemed way too fast-paced for her. 

Rayshun LaMarr (Team Adam) – “Imagine”

Rayshun has stayed in the competition much longer than he should have, and his Top 8 performance aimed to change things up. He wanted it all to be about his vocals, but he stood stationary on the stage instead of dancing around like he usually does. 

He seemed nervous, presumably because he thought he was going to be in the bottom two once again. 

Spensha Baker (Team Blake) – “My Church”

Spensha may be one of the most fun-loving people to ever grace The Voice’s stage, but she needs to channel that personality into her performances. They are coming across as monotonous, with very little in the way of versatility and that, once again, rung true on Monday night. 

Her tenure on the show will likely come to a close on Tuesday night’s episode. 

Kyla Jade (Team Blake) – “Let It Be”

Oh, Kyla. Never has a performance gave me the chills quite like Kyla’s latest number. It was from the heart and was the perfect one for such a crucial time in the series. If Kyla does not make it through, we riot. 

Kaleb Lee (Team Kelly) – “It Is Well With My Soul”

Kaleb changed things up in a big way, and it resulted in his best performance to date. It’s just a shame he waited so long to change his sound up. If he did this after the first wave of criticism, he would for sure be at the end of the competition. 

Pryor Baird – “Change the World”

Pryor turned in more of the same, and that was a good thing. He’s been solid since his first performance, so why fix something that is not broken? He has his fans, and that should be enough to keep him around. 

Britton Buchanan (Team Alicia) – “The Rising”

Britton oozes confidence, and that’s a good thing. Confidence is the name of the game, and if you can prove to everyone that you’re confident in yourself, then everything else should work itself out. Britton deserves a spot at the end, but time will tell. 

What did you think of the performances?

Who do you think will make it?

Hit the comments!
