Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Miss USA 2018: Who Took Home the Sexist Crown?!?

Two days after Great Britain gave folks a look behind the lives of those involved with its crown, the United States went ahead and did something similar.

Kind of. Sort of. In a way, we guess.

America went ahead and crowned a new Miss USA.

While it seems unfathomable that such a contest still exists in the year 2018, especially as the #MeToo movement grows stronger and people finally realize that women are more than sexual objects, the competition really did air on Monday night.

And a lovely young women with huge boobs, a great body and a not totally asinine answer to a very broad and dumb question came out on top.

Congratulations, Sarah Rose Summers!

Indeed, Miss Nebraska was turned into Miss USA 2018 yesterday evening at the Hirsch Memorial Coliseum in Shreveport-Bossier, Louisiana.

After competing hard against 50 other women, Sarah Rose Summers impressed the judges with her brains, beauty and skill set.

Early in the show, for example, the busty blonde was asked to speak on the fact that one in four children in the United States live in single parent households.

How has that affected our generation’s views on marriage and family? she was asked.

(To be clear, this question is not dumb at all, as we mentioned above. It’s a very important problem. But it’s ridiculous to ask of beauty pageant contestants who are then given under a minute to respond.)

“I am so grateful to have grown up in a home with two parents,” Summer said, adding in profound detail:

“And so I can’t personally relate to this.

“However, I do work in children’s hospital as a certified child life specialist where I’m a liaison between the children and families and the medical team and I’ve seen single mothers at the bedside working remotely on their computers to stay by their children and support them.

“And I think that it just shows that children – no matter if it’s a boy or a girl – that they can do that.”

Summers also strutted across the stage at one point in a bikini:

For Summers, her final scenario was picturing herself on the way to a march or a protest and then someone hands her a blank sign and a marker.

What do you write on her sign and why?

She answered:

I say speak your voice. I don’t know what march we’re on our way to in this hypothetical situation, but no matter where you’re going, whatever type of march it is, you’re obviously on your way to that march because you care about that cause so go speak to people.

When they have questions, communicate with them. Listen to their views also.

That is one thing in the United States that we really need to focus on is listening to each other!

Please check out the following photo while we slam our heads against our desks for the next 30 seconds…

For the first time ever, this year’s Miss USA selection committee was comprised of all female entrepreneurs, business leaders and industry experts.

They included  former Miss USA contestants and members were:

  • Today show contributor Lilliana Vazquez

  • HLN host Natasha Curry

  • Founder/CEO of IT Cosmetics Jamie Kern Lima

That’s great and all.

But such a panel does not make a beauty contest any less antiquated or sexist.

Still: Congrats to Sarah Rose Summers!
