Monday, May 7, 2018

Jeremy Calvert to Jenelle Evans: Get Off Your Back, C-nt!

Let"s get one thing straight right off the bat:

Jeremy Calvert is a firm believer in the Second Amendment.

The ex-husband of Leah Messer has shared plenty of photos on Instagram of not just himself with a gun… but even his daughter with a gun.

Perhaps for this exact reason, however, Calvert is sickened by the recent alleged actions of Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans, who is accused of pulling a gun on a driver in North Carolina after getting cut off last month.

In an all-time Twitter rant against Evans, Calvert has exploded on the controversial reality star, taking her to task for giving gun owners a bad reputation and for basically sucking as a human being.

Scroll down and all around to see what led to this outburst and to see exactly what Calvert has to say to Evans…

1. The Incident

Jenelle evans gun photo

In late April, Evans reportedly pulled out her weapon and aimed it at a North Carolina driver (with her eight-year old son in the car!) after he cut her off. You can read all about this crazy incident HERE.

2. The Fallout

Jenelle evans is thick

A witness told police officers that Jenelle “hit his truck, ran over his mailbox and pulled a gun on him,” prompting many to wonder whether Evans will be fired for her actions, especially because MTV cameras were rolling during the incident.

3. The Reaction

Jenelle evans in pool

Under the advice of her lawyer, Evans has remained quiet about what transpired, but this hasn’t been the case for others in the Teen Mom family. “Don’t worry, she was being supervised by two young children,” joked/scoffed Chelsea Houska’s dad, Randy Houska.

4. Excuse Me?!?


Evans could not remain totally silent, of course. She has not come out with her version of events, but she has slammed Randy for interjecting with his opinion.

5. What About Jeremy Calvert?

Jeremy calvert on instagram

He had A LOT to say at first, initially Tweeting that producers should let Evans go: “@mjfree bro correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t u against guns and gun violence? So what’s ur next move in regards to the situation at hand with what took place with a cast member and a weapon… just curious!!!!”

6. Added Calvert:

Jeremy calvert on teen mom 2

“And you want me to do a background check because I own guns nahh.” (Editor’s Note: Jeremy was NOT referring here to a background check for gun ownership, but the background check required by MTV for all cast members.)

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