Saturday, May 5, 2018

Khloe Kardashian FINALLY Breaks Silence on Tristan Thompson Cheating Scandal!

Khloe Kardashian hasn"t made too many public statements in the past few weeks, huh?

Probably because she"s been busy having a baby and then taking care of that baby. Oh, and also because her boyfriend was revealed to be a big ol" cheater like a day before she went into labor.

It"s surely a very emotional time for her right now, what with the hormones and the huge life changes and all, so it"s understandable that she hasn"t been posting all over social media lately.

But now, at long last, she"s finally commenting on the Tristan scandal …


1. What a Ride

What a ride

So first off … bless her heart. Just bless Khloe’s poor little heart.

2. Good News?

Khloe kardashian and tristan kiss

After all she went through in her marriage to Lamar, after wanting so much to have children but never being able to get pregnant or never finding herself in the right situation to have a baby, she found Tristan. They started dating in fall of 2016, and less than a year later, she was pregnant.

3. A Special Time

Khloe kardashian blonde hair pic

When the news broke about the pregnancy, so many people were so, so happy for her, remember? It wasn’t your average celebrity pregnancy announcement, it was bigger.

4. Bumpin’ Time

Khloe kardashian goes bumpin

Time went on, and Khloe confirmed the pregnancy, then she started sharing photos of her cute baby bump, then she started talking about starting a family with Tristan and how excited she was, and it was just so adorable.

5. Awww

A khloe kardashian kiss

Things were good and happy and lovely for a long, long time, right up until around Khloe’s due date, even.

6. Ugh

Tristan thompson

But then Tristan screwed it all up. Hard.

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