Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Screw You, MTV! I"m On Strike!

Somehow, despite basically daring them to give her the ax on a daily basis, Jenelle Evans has not been fired by MTV.

But that doesn’t mean the Carolina Hurricane is getting along with her bosses.

In fact, production insiders say Jenelle is refusing to film yet again, this time opting out of the annual Teen Mom 2 reunion show, which has historically served as the season’s dramatic highlight.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Jenelle is not planning to attend the reunion taping, which is scheduled to take place in New York City this weekend.

The problem, it seems, is that Evans hit MTV with a list of demands, and since this is a work event and not a hostage situation, the network didn’t even consider giving in.  

“MTV has refused to give in to any her demands in regard to the reunion,” a production insider tells The Ashley.

“Jenelle wanted them to pay for David [Eason]‘s entire trip– travel and expenses– even though he’s not allowed on the set,” the source adds.

“When [the producers] refused to agree to pay for David, Jenelle said she’s not coming. This has been going on for a long time, them battling back and forth, and MTV refused to budge.”

The source adds that just everyone involved with the show is hoping that network execs will hold firm in their refusal to kowtow to Jenelle:

“Hopefully they hold their ground for once,” says the insider.

As for how Evans’ absence will be addressed on the show, producers are reportedly unconcerned:

“Right now, the plan is to not really even explain Jenelle’s absence, and just have Dr. Drew state that Jenelle was ‘unable to be with us’ or something, so that they don’t have to lie and go into too much detail,” says one source.

“Everything is being set up on the set as if she’s not coming, because it’s super unlikely that she’s changing her mind at this point,” 

In all likelihood, the cast and crew of Teen Mom 2 are probably thrilled that Jenelle won’t be in attendance.

After all, it was at last year’s reunion show that David Eason drunkenly stabbed a bunch of balloons, thus terrifying all those in attendance, including the young children of several cast members.

And it seems that if Jenelle thinks her absence from the reunion show will have producers scrambling to meet her demands, she’s got another thing coming.

“Even with Jenelle absent, there is still a ton of tension between the other girls and Briana, and between other cast members so for this reunion, every girl is going to have their own dressing area/green room area,” one source tells The Ashley.

“Everyone is worried that fights could break out again, and things could even turn physical.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s long history of truly batsh-t behavior.
