Thursday, May 10, 2018

Tristan Thompson Breaks Silence on Baby True; How Does He REALLY Feel?

Tristan Thompson is having a breakout playoff run for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

After being benched for nearly the entire half of the regular season, the horny new baby daddy has played a key role in helping the Cavs advance to the Eastern Conference Finals.

But forget the breakout play for a moment.

Tristan Thompson has now spoken out… for the first time since the world learned he cheated numerous times on Khloe Kardashian while the star was pregnant.

Moreover, he has spoken out about daughter True and about becoming a father for the second time.

(Yes, the second time: Thompson’s ex-girlfriend gave birth to his first child in December of 2016, mere months after he dumped her for Khloe. This guy is classiness personified.)

“So you got a new addition to the family,” Thompson was asked on Wednesday by Road Trippin podcast co-host Richard Jefferson said, to which Thompson replied:

“New addition to the family, yup.”

Don’t worry. He does expound a bit during the interview…

How is little True Thompson actually faring these days, however?

(Khloe gave birth to her first child on April 12, just several hours after the allegations of infidelity against her boyfriend went viral.)

“She’s doing good,” Tristan said during the podcast. “Baby True is eating, sleeping and, uh, s–ttin’. That’s all they do.”

That’s a bit crass, but it’s not untrue. There’s only so much a one-month old can really do at this point in its existence.

The rebounding machine also revealed that True has a “full head of hair,” green eyes and was born 21 inches long, providing us with the first details regarding her appearance.

Thompson is already the dad of a little boy and was asked in this exchange whether there’s a difference between having a son and having a daughter.

“I think with a girl, you’re just so much more [emotional],” he tried to explain, adding:

“With a boy, it’s just like, ‘Hey, man. You’ll be alright, man. Stop crying.’

“But [with True], it’s like, ‘True, it’s gonna be OK. You know, we’re right here. Daddy’s here to feed you. It’s me! Look, yeah!’ It’s way different, but it’s fun, though.

“It changes you.”

Really, Tristan? When son Prince was a month old, you just shrugged off his crying and told him to stop?

Actually, who are we kidding: Ain’t no way Thompson was involved with his son when he was only a month old.

Questions still remain over how closely he’s involved with True.

Sources have confirmed that Thompson was present for his daughter’s birth, but also that he got into a screaming match with Khloe as soon as True was taken out of the delivery room.

Tristan has been playing basketball almost non-stop since becoming a father again, but Khloe remains in Cleveland and recently showed surprising support for her man in public.

A number of insiders claim she wants to give this romance a second chance.

“You done? You done with kids?” Jefferson asked during the podcast.

“Naw, I’m gonna keep going,” Thompson responded. “I’ve got a couple more. I got a couple more left.”

It sounds like Thompson is serious.

We’re pretty sure Kardashian wants to have a bigger family, but does he means he wants to have more kids with Khloe?

If so, that’s pretty gigantic news. It would certainly seem to imply that the couple is very much together and discussing their future.

For now, though, Khloe seems mostly just focused on her daughter, having only talked in public about this bundle of joy, as opposed to anything related to Thompson’s pounding other women in hotel rooms.

“I can’t believe my baby will be a month old tomorrow,” she wrote with on Wednesday night on Twitter, including a crying face emoji and adding:

“Why does this make me happy and sad all at the same time. Thank you Jesus for my sweet peanut.”
