Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Sonja Morgan: RHONY Star Spotted Humping and Grinding

Real Housewives are often shown drinking and displaying out-of-control behavior on camera. But how do you know when it’s gone too far and is bleeding over into real life?

Eyewitnesses claim that they saw RHONY star Sonja Morgan “wasted and humping” people almost indiscriminately.

Sonja is denything that claim … sort of.

Page Six reports that Sonja Morgan was spotted at downtown hot spot Paul’s Baby Grand last week.

And from the descriptions, it sounds like she was feeling no pain.

“She rolled in straight from the ‘Watch What Happens Live’ studio, wasted and humping people.”

Well, so long as that was all consensual humping, that sounds like she was just living her best life.

And that, the source reveals, was just the beginning.

“She was making out with blondes [of both genders] and then left with one.”

Oh dang. Good for her!

But is it true?

Sonja actually spoke to Page Six to clear the air. Sort of.

“This always happens to me!”

That’s quite the opening line.

“I was dancing with a bunch of girlfriends and my friends.”

So she knew these various blonds and blondes, then?

Sonja then casts doubt on the claims about her behavior.

“Humping? What does that mean? Dancing? Grinding? Humping?”

Well, dancing is … dancing. Grinding involves sliding parts of your body against parts of someone else’s. And humping … we don’t have it in us to explain what humping is, to Sonja Morgan or to anyone else.

“That’s all in the eye of the beholder.”

Is it, though? Those sound like pretty straightforward descriptions of activities.

We should note that she’s not exactly shooting down the rumor that she was wasted. She just says that it’s a bit of an overstatement.

“I was drinking, yes. It’s all so exaggerated. I was having fun.”

No one is questioning that she was having a blast.

“That’s why I like to have my parties on Wednesdays at home.”

That is super specific, but she means that she prefers the privacy.

“Because everything gets exaggerated.”

That’s the price of fame, unfortunately.

“You can’t even go out anymore.”

In case anyone is worried that she’s falling prey to substance abuse, she mentions that this has come up before.

“Bethenny [Frankel] confronted me about my drinking binges, whatever season that was …”

She says that she totally went with Bethenny’s advice.

“I reflected, went to a therapist, talked to my doctors, tested all my bloods.”

Okay, tested all my bloods is an amazing line. Someone please embroider that onto something.

“I wanted to see, ‘Do I have a problem?’ And it came out, ‘No, you don’t have a problem. But, you know, you’re going through a lot, you need to talk to somebody.”

Sometimes, that’s the case.

Now, we absolutely do not mean to in any way victim-blame when we ask this question, but …

… If Sonja is lamenting that this “always happens” to her, but notices that this does not happen to all of her costars, does that mean that she’s doing something that they aren’t?

But let’s be super clear about this:

Sonja isn’t being accused of any kind of wrongdoing whatsoever.

The source simply described her as having a very good time in a way that would scandalize Mike Pence, who probably thinks that the pleasant relief of sneezing is best reserved for heterosexual marriage.

Sonja’s solution might be, rather than fighting the rumors, to just say: “Hell yeah I had a blast!”

Even things were exaggerated.
