Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Kate Gosselin: I Demand Every CENT of Jon Gosselin"s Money!!

In case there was ever any doubt, yes, Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin still hate each other.

And now it’s more than just personal — they’re facing each other in court.

This time, it’s about more than just their long-running custody battle. It’s about money. Is Kate trying to bleed him dry?

RadarOnline reports that Kate Gosselin is demanding a major payday from her ex, Jon Gosselin, according to court records that the tabloid obtained.

How much money? To the tune of about $ 132,000.

She apparently filed this lawsuit in March, but Jon isn’t going down without a fight.

“He’s contesting it.”

But a $ 132,000 dispute isn’t something that you work out over coffee. This is a civil dispute.

“They’re fighting it out in court.”

It sounds like this battle has been waging for about two months.

Their research indicates that Jon Gosselin was personally served with a complaint by a shariff on April 5.

On April 6, Jon issued his response — in the form of a petition to strike. He has lawyered up.

As to why Jon would wage this legal battle with Kate in the first place, the answer is pretty simple.

“It’s a lot of money.”

Six figures is no laughing matter, especially when, like Jon, you’ve struggled as a famous person without a reality series to keep you afloat.

“Both parties are contesting it.”

And the insider suggests that this court battle could drag on for ages.

“It’s not over yet.”

It’s clear that they’re willing to fight.

So far, this has only cost Kate an estimated $ 300 and Jon an estimated $ 200.

But court battles usually include attorneys and other expenses that can cost more than a few hundred dollars.

And, of course, whoever wins, at least one of them will be losing out on a sizable chunk of cash.

It is not immediately clear, RadarOnline notes, why Kate is demanding this cash or in this amount.

Back in 2012, in simpler times when people feared that the world would end for mystical reasons rather than through unstable despots with nuclear stockpiles, Kate said that Jon owed her child support.

Specifically, she said that he owed her $ 3,500 in child support. That’s not a lot to have, but that can be a lot to owe, you know?

Back then, Jon told her frankly that he could not afford to pay it. Kate voluntarily waived it at the time. Which seems … uncharacteristically nice of her.

This lawsuit seems more like the Kate with whom viewers are familiar.

But … what is her angle?

Online estimates put Kate’s net worth at about $ 200,000. They put Jon’s net worth at about $ 10,000.

We don’t really know what Kate expects to get out of this. We don’t even know why Kate believes that she is entitled to this money. Is it child support or something else?

We’re glad that Jon Gosselin and his daughter spent some quality time together in recent weeks.

We hope that he gets to spend time with all of his children, even during this court battle.

It’s all sure to be a mess.
