Friday, May 25, 2018

Audrey Roloff: I Love Having God Deep in Me!

Audrey Roloff has sometimes been accused of exploiting her religion for the same of commercialism.

At times, she has shared a lengthy message about her faith on Instagram… only to then link to her online store and/or ask followers to purchase something.

It can come across as a bit phony and very tacky.

But the Little People, Big World star has not done that in her latest Instagram message.

It’s heartfelt and personal and profound… seemingly just to be heartfelt and personal and profound.

“God is more concerned with what he’s doing in me than what he’s doing through me,” Audrey noted to open her post, adding:

“It got me thinking more about who I am supposed to BE and less about what I am supposed to DO.”

This is not such an entirely point from the one Roloff made when she said Jesus wants you to get off Instagram and just go out and enjoy life.

“What is it with our obsession with busyness?” asks Audrey, explaining herself as follows:

“And why is it that our capacity for multitasking is usually met with praise? What if the amount of stuff that we are DOing, is consequently robbing us of BEing…”

It’s a fair question, right?

Think of all the people out there who brag about working 80 hours per week or something?

Why is this impressive? Why should these folks not be more proud of themselves for sitting back, spending time with those who love more often and appreciating their lives?

Continues Roloff:

“What if God wants to rewire our hearts and life to DO less, and BE more! What if all our “doing” is making it harder for us to see who He has called us to BE?”

Audrey and husband Jeremy, of course, do sort of make a living off the phrase “Always More.”

It’s the name of their clothing line and its tagline (“Always Believe in the More That is Within You”) jibes with this general theme of Audrey’s.

She often tries to encourage followers to reflect more than to act; she espouses strong self-esteem and strong faith at all times.

This is how she closed her Instagram caption in this case:

As I was reading late last night the “be” words in scripture started standing out as if the Holy Spirit was highlighting them. “BE patient, BE still, BE thankful, BE compassionate, BE joyful, BE faithful, BE fearless…”

Then it hit me… God takes more delight in my “to-be” list than my “to-do” list….

What’s on your “to-be” list! Who and what has God called you to BE?

What do you think of Roloff’s message here?

Important and helpful? Or a bunch of hogwash?
