Tuesday, May 15, 2018

John Cena: Nikki Bella Tore My Heart Out!

To many people, professional wrestling is a fake sport.

But take a look and a listen to the video below and one thing is very, very clear:

John Cena"s pain is oh so real.

The WWE star and actor appeared on The Today Show yesterday, opening way up about his recent split from fellow WWE star Nikki Bella.

The pair broke up last month, following six years together and plans to get married.

"I’ve always been honest with you guys. I also don’t want to ruin the viewers’ morning by giving them a bowl of sadness soup," Cena told Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb, using an amazing expression we had never heard before.

He continued:

"It’s been up and it’s been down.

"It’s been incredibly reflective, which is amazing, but it’s very difficult. I had my heart broken out of nowhere…

"And anyone who has experienced that knows that it comes with a series of bad feelings.

"But I’ve looked at myself every day and I’ve tried to evaluate myself and the woman that I love.”

Cena and Bella"s romance played out on E!"s Total Bellas, and will continue to do so when Season 3 of this reality show airs.

Appropriate for someone who has starred for years on Monday Night Raw, Cena wasn"t finished with his raw emotions on air, either.

"I still love Nicole, I still would love to marry Nicole, I still would love to have a family with Nicole,” he said, adding:

“There was an unfortunate set of circumstances where our relationship ended…

"I am in my house alone surrounded by these emotionally strong memories…

"I don’t want anybody else. I love Nicole and I’m really trying to support her in her trying to find whatever it is she wants that made this fall apart in the first place."

Wow, huh?

Bella told Extra shortly after this interview aired that Cena"s words left her "speechless."

She also seemed to confirm that she was the one who got "cold feet" in anticipation of her wedding, explaining as best she can:

"I have hope and I’m just at a point in my life where I feel like I kind’ve lost me, and I want to find me and work on me."

Could this all be a PR stunt to build up ratings for the next season of Total Bella? Yes.

If so, however, Cena is playing his part perfectly.

"The point is for anyone out there speculating on what’s going on, I love her," he said on Today.

"I want to be with her. I want to make her my wife. I want to be the father of her children. I just want us to work."

Watch Cena"s full interview with Kathie Lee and Hoda below:

John cena nikki bella tore my heart out