Friday, May 4, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Wedding Date Revealed!

Well, it looks like we’re just a few weeks away from yet another Duggar wedding!

Yes, fans were overjoyed when Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson announced their engagement back in March, but in the months since, the couple has been surprisingly tight-lipped.

It’s not unusual for Duggar couples to keep the details of their nuptials under wraps, so as to avoid unwanted attention from obsessive fans.

But many Duggar devotees thought this time would be different because, well … Josiah is different.

This is Josiah’s second courtship.

He’s the first Duggar of his generation to have participated in a courtship that did not result in marriage.

As a result, the 21-year-old follows slightly rules than his siblings.

Generally, unwed Duggars aren’t permitted to use social media.

But Josiah started an Instagram page while he was still courting Marjorie Jackson, and he’s kept it operational ever since.

It’s not completely clear why Josiah gets away with more than his brothers and sisters, but the fact is – he does.

And one of the perks he enjoys is maintaining more open communication with his fans.

So it’s not hard to see why Duggar obsessives assumed Josiah wouldn’t be as clandestine about his wedding preparations as his predecessors.

But in the end, fans had to go digging to find out exactly when Josiah and Lauren plan to exchange vows.

And word on the street is – the big day will be June 30!

The information comes courtesy of the ever-reliable Duggar-related Facebook page titled Duggar Family News: Life Is Not All Pickles and Hairspray.

An unwieldy moniker yes, but one of the most reliable Duggar sources on social media.

Pickles didn’t provide much info about its source, but you can be certain that unless there’s an abrupt date change, that’s the day the wedding will take place.

It’s a little late in the season for an outdoor wedding in Arkansas, but hey – they call Josiah a rebel for a reason!

A source close to the family tells us Josiah will be “the next to bust out” by following in his sister Jinger’s footsteps and casting off some of the more arcane family rules.

There’s already been talk about Josiah and Lauren breaking courtship rules, and sources say once they’re wed, Josiah will permit his wife to eschew the dress code observed by both their families if she so chooses.

Sounds like Josiah might wind up giving Jinger a run for her money in the rebel department!

We’re sure Jim Bob is thrilled.

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