Tuesday, July 10, 2018

George Clooney Hospitalized After Motorcycle Crash: Had He Been Drinking?

Frightening news out of Italy today, as George Clooney has been hospitalized following a motorcycle accident.

Clooney suffered several unspecified injuries but is expected to make a full recovery.

The actor’s wife, Amal Clooney, reportedly rushed to be by his side during treatment, and he has since been released to recover at home.

“His expected prognosis is 20 days to get better,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

Clooney has yet to speak to the press about the incident, but the driver of the Mercedes that struck his bike says it was a simple case of obstructed vision:

“I had the sun in my face, I did not see anything, I just felt a stroke,” said the driver, who has been identified only Antonello C.

An onlooker who claims to have witnessed the crash and its aftermath says Clooney appeared to be in a great deal of pain:

“Another car, a Mercedes, came from Olbia to Porto San Palo,” Giacamo D’angelo told Radar.

“The other car hit the motorcycle of George Clooney.”

D’Angelo added that Clooney “cried out in pain,” and “held his head in his hands.”

A full investigation has been launched, and it’s only expected to be a few days before the case is officially closed.

But interestingly, as straightforward as the accident appears to be, police have not yet ruled drugs and alcohol as possible causes of the crash.

Though it doesn’t appear that he’s ever had a serious problem with alcohol, Clooney’s love of drinking is no secret.

So perhaps it’s natural that certain media outlets have chosen to fixate on that aspect of the investigation.

But in all likelihood, this is a simple case of one or both drivers being briefly distracted and/or blinded by the sun.

Amal Clooney gave birth to twins just last year, and sources close to the family say George is a natural as a dad.

So it seems unlikely that George is motoring around Lake Como drunk off his ass.

But in order to hedge our bets, we’ll emphasize out that it’s unlikely …

… but certainly not impossible.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.
