Friday, July 20, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Just Made Us Cry with His Audrey Birthday Message

Okay, look, Jeremy and Audrey Roloff.

We need to have a few words with you…

You guys really need to stop gushing so perfectly and romantically about each other online, okay?!?

Because it’s making the rest of us look bad by comparison!

Like, how were we suppose to compete with Audrey’s Father’s Day message to Jeremy, the one in which she referred to her soulmate  as a “Godly husband and father?”

Similarly, Jeremy has now gone above and beyond on the occasion of Audrey’s 27th birthday.

To pay tribute to his wife of four years, Jeremy shared the following precious picture of himself and Audrey yesterday on Instagram:

Then, he went ahead and made us cry ALL the tears by including with it a caption that reads:

You are a beautiful creation, an amazing wife, and a great mom. I love your self acceptance and desire for self growth – to be you and only you, while also seeking who you were made to be.

Thanks for grounding me, taking care of me, and loving me so well.

Jeremy went on to list all the ways in which he enjoys spending time with his better half:

Working with you is fun. Playing with you is a joy. And raising a kid with you is an honor. There’s no one else I’d rather do life with! “If it’s half as good as the half we’ve known, here’s Hail! to the rest of the road.”

I love you babe!

Seriously, do birthday tributes get any more precious than that?

Jeremy and Audrey, of course, have been in the news of late for a different reason.

They are leaving Little People, Big World.

They will not be appearing on future episodes, as Jeremy announced just a few days ago.

“After 14 years, over 300 episodes, and 17 seasons, the time has come,” Jeremy wrote, much to our chagrin, prior to adding:

“A year ago I made the decision that this season would be our last. It has been an amazing run, and I can’t say thank you enough to all of you who have watched and supported us along the ride.

“We have the most loyal fans on TV and we appreciate every one of you. You are what made doing this so fun.

“We will still be supporting the family as they carry the #LPBW torch onward. This is a decision concerning Audrey and me specifically – the show must go on!”

Audrey then chimed in and wrote the following on her Instagram page:

“I am so thankful for the encouragement, kindness, and support that each of you have shown to our family. We are forever grateful for the run we’ve had.

“Excited to focus on what we feel the Lord is calling us to!”

With a memoir on the way from the couple and their blog/business, Beating 50 Percent, up and very much running, we’ll still be seeing plenty of Audrey and Jeremy down the line.

But will you keep watching Little People, Big World in their absence?
