Friday, July 20, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Did Sam Bledsoe Use Her Secret Power?

Sam Bledsoe has come a long way. 

She was the target on week one and managed to defy the odds and fight another week thanks to Kaitlyn Herman for turning her back on her alliance and being the swing vote to keep Sam in the house. 

Sam was subsequently gifted with the power to give herself or someone else another shot at the game if they were evicted, thanks to being the top trending houseguest one week. 

However, with the eviction ceremony looming, she realized that she had some deciding to do about whether she should use her advantage on the two members of the Level 6 alliance who were on the block. 

Just kidding, it was all down to Tyler, who has been pulling strings on both sides of the house for weeks now. 

At the top of the hour, Winston thought he was sitting pretty thanks to Brett’s comments about Kaitlyn’s third eye saying that she should keep him. 

Rachel, Tyler, and Kaycee deliberated over whether to keep Winston or Brett. They made their decision that Brett was the strong competitor and that they should find a way to keep him. 

While the strategizing was going down, Rockstar found herself struggling to entertain herself, so she climbed up the wall and got stuck. 

This gave Kaitlyn the opportunity to put her life coach skills to good use, telling her to leave everything behind and move on to the next step a new person, or something. 

We got to see a glimpse of Sam’s home life and her family and friends were cute as punch. They were rooting for Sam and even the robot version. 

However, her mother was quick to point out that Kaitlin is a bit of a wildcard. No, honey, she’s a loose cannon. 

We kid, mostly, but Kaitlin is a real hoot on the live feeds. From her claiming to have had a premonition that someone is after her, to her stirring up controversy over nothing, it’s so much fun. 

As the vote kicked off, Brett stirred up some drama when he said that Rockstar told him a few moments before that she was voting to keep him. 

  • Kaitlyn votes to evict: Brett 

  • Rachel votes to evict: Winston

  • Kaycee votes to evict: Winston

  • Angie votes to evict: Brett 

  • Faysal votes to evict: Brett 

  • Bayleigh votes to evict: Brett 

  • Angela votes to evict: Winston 

  • Haleigh votes to evict: Brett 

  • JC votes to evict: Winston 

  • Tyler votes to evict: Winston

  • Sam votes to evict: Winston

With the vote being 6-5, that means Rockstar was put in the frame as the swing vote, covering Tyler’s tracks.

Sam decided against using her power, and Winston stormed out of the house without saying goodbye, and even threw Sam’s friendship bracelet to the ground. 

It was embarrassing. We knew he was hot-headed, but it took him a little too long to understand that he was playing a game. 

We got to see Rockstar exploding at Brett in the house as Winston sat with Julie. She was yelling something about Brett throwing her under the bus on her kid’s birthday. 

She apparently never got the memo that the Big Brother game does not pause for any event. If it did, we’re sure the houseguests would have gotten to return home for Independence Day. 

As the new Head of Household competition was an endurance one, we never got to see it play out on the CBS broadcast. 

But we left the show with Julie confirming that a heated exchange between Bayliegh and JC in which the latter uses a racial slur, will be played out on Sunday’s episode. 

As always, keep up to speed with our Big Brother Spoilers!

What did you think of the eviction?
