Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Shannon Beador Divorce: David Surrenders, Agrees to Pay HOW Much?!

Shannon Beador’s acrimonious divorce continues. Recently, it was reported that David Beador was trying to weasel out of spousal support.

These two have had another hearing, but there was a somewhat shocking twist.

David isn’t challenging his current, very hefty payments. Has he had a change of heart, or is there something else going on here?

On Monday, July 9, Shannon Beador and David Beador appeared in front of a judge as part of their ongoing divorce, reports RadarOnline.

This hearing was specifically on spousal support — and attorney fees.

Last month, it was reported that David was planning to challenge the current spousal support order.

(David, as you may recall, has been paying Shannon $ 10,500 a month since March)

So color us surprised when David did not challenge those payouts on Monday. And that’s not all that he’s agreed to keep paying. …

Not only did David not challenge that order, he agreed to a few more things.

First of all, he’s still paying out $ 12,000 a month in child support for the couple’s three children.

Sophie is 17. Twins Stella and Adeline are 14. That comes out to $ 4,000 a month for each girl, which we certainly hope is enough.

On top of that, David will pay out $ 10,000 to Shannon Beador’s divorce attorney, John Benedict Phillips.

The couple has also agreed to attend mediation, alongside a forensic accountant and a retired judicial officer.

If they still can’t come to an agreement, then they’ll appear back in court on October 15.

“It’s all going to wash itself out,” David told RadarOnline after announcing that he was doing “fantastic.”

David reports: “I just want what best for our kids.”

“Divorce is never fun and it’s hardest on the kids,” David admits. He’s absolutely right.

Their three daughters are feeling the strain and stress of having their parents divorce, David says, “but they seem to be moving along.”

“I look forward to when this is over,” David concludes. “I think we both do.”

So, what does this mean?

Maybe David really had a change of heart. After all, it happens. If love can turn into unmitigated hatred, maybe that enmity can become peaceful.

Considering that it wasn’t so long ago that he was reportedly cursing out Shannon in the courthouse and having the water turned off at her house — where his own daughters live — it would still be a surprise.

It is also possible that Shannon somehow got the upper hand in a way that made David unwilling to challenge the current status quo.

We heard that Shannon accused David of hiding money to avoid having to pay her.

If her attorneys were able to find some of those alleged hidden assets, it might make David eager to leave things be and not have it brought up in court.

But let’s not give in to conspiracy theories and imagined blackmail scenarios.

It really seems more likely that David just realized that all of this animosity wasn’t doing any good — and was doing real harm to his family.

And perhaps having his antics reported by entertainment news media helped to make him take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Maybe his kids got through to him. Or maybe his young, hot girlfriend helped him see reason.

Either way, we’re glad that David and Shannon at least appear to be able to agree on things for the moment. That’s progress.
