Friday, July 6, 2018

Elvis Costello Cancels Tour, Reveals Aggressive Cancer Battle

With a heavy heart, Elvis Costello has had to cancel the remaining shows of his European tour 

The reason for this, he reveals, is his battle with a very aggressive cancer.

In a very lengthy statement, Costello apologizes to the fans who will not get to see him.

Elvis Costello, whose birth name is Declan Patrick MacManus, released a lengthy and heartfelt statement on Facebook.

“Six weeks ago,” Costello begins. “My specialist called me and said, ‘You should start playing the Lotto’.”

That’s rare advice from anyone, particularly from a doctor.

Costello explains: “He had rarely, if ever, seen such a small but very aggressive cancerous malignancy that could be defeated by a single surgery.”

It’s good to know that, despite that scary situation, it was treatable.

“I was elated,” Costello writes. “And relieved that our European summer tour could go ahead.”

“Post-surgical guidelines for such surgery,” Costello then explains. “Recommend three weeks to four weeks recovery.”

That makes sense! Surgery is a big deal.

Costello explains that the recovery time varies “depending on whether you are returning to a desk job or an occupation that involves physical work or travel.”

Of course. Sitting at a desk for work is still work, but not likely to strain your healing body in the same way that traveling to stand up on stage for hours will.

“It was impossible to judge how this advisory would line up with the demands on a traveling musician,” Costello admits.

He says that he was “playing 90-minute to 2-hour plus performances on a nightly basis but by the time we reached the Edinburgh Playhouse”

Costello says that it was going well, so “I was almost fooled into thinking that normal service had been resumed.”

“I have to thank our friends attending last night’s show in Amsterdam,” Costello writes. “And those in Antwerp, Glynde and at Newcastle City Hall for bearing me up.”


“The spirit has been more than willing,” Costello laments. “But I have to now accept that it is going to take longer than I would have wished for me to recover my full strength.”

That is so often the case, unfortunately.

“Therefore, I must reluctantly cancel all the remaining engagements of this tour,” Costello says with disappointment.

“My apologies go to our ticket holders in Manchester, Pula, Graz, Vienna, Tysnes and Rattvik,” he says with sorrow.

“But I would rather disappoint our friends there by not appearing,” Costello says. “Than in pressing on with a show that is compromised and eventually puts my health at risk.”

That is very wise.

Costello continues: “My deep thanks go to Pete Thomas, Steve Nieve, and Davey Faragher of The Imposters for all their deep friendship, love and support during this upsetting time.”

It’s good that everybody is onboard with him putting his health first and not overextending himself.

“Thanks also to Kitten Kuroi and Briana Lee whose beautiful voices have spurred me on to do the singing that I’ve managed, whatever the cost,” Costello says.

“It goes without saying,” he continues. “That there are many others who have worked to get us to the stage and from town to town to whom I am also deeply grateful.”


“To leave you with some more optimistic news,” Costello writes to his fans. “The Imposters and I – together with several of our other friends – have made a magnificent new record of which we are truly proud.”

Well that is exciting!

“It will be issued in October, I believe,” Costello shares. “We will return at the soonest opportunity to play that music and your favourite songs that still make sense to us all.”

He also has some advice.

Costello suggests that people look after their health, saying: “Take very good care of your loved ones but Gentleman, do talk to you friends – you’ll find you are not alone.”

“Seek your doctor’s advice if you are in doubt,” Costello advises. “Or when it is timely and act as swiftly as you may in these matters.”

Cancer is serious business.

“It may save your life,” Costello reminds fans. “Believe me, it is better than playing roulette.”

He’s absolutely right.

He signs off, writing: “Yours through music. Elvis Costello”

We wish him a full and speedy recovery.
