Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Shannon Beador: I May Get a Boob Job!

Shannon Beador may be going through a messy divorce at the moment, but the Real Housewife of Orange County has come clean about a subject rather sensitive and personal:

She may soon go under the knife.

Appearing as a guest yesterday on SiriusXM’s Jeff Lewis Live, the Bravo personality revealed that she actually visited a plastic surgeon to discuss the possibility of a breast augmentation.

She’s not desperate.

And she isn’t looking to go all go 38 DD or anything.

This is how Beador explained why she’s now considering such a procedure:

“My mother has been saying that I should get a boob lift because I breastfed Sophie for 26 months and the twins for 14,” Beador told Jeff Lewis.

“When I went in, he said that I would have to have an implant put in.”

This really is not all that unusual for women who breastfeed.

But Beador won’t be going through that experience again.

All her kids are teenagers and her baby-making days are long over.

“I want them small,” Beador said. “I don’t need the big. That’s not me. I don’t even know [what size].”

Lewis tried to be diplomatic and say that Shannon didn’t appear to need an upgrade in this department, but Beador politely disagreed, saying on air:

“I’m throwing skin in a sling every single day,” she said. “It’s just like a Calvin Klein pushup. I’m single now and my boobs are… they’re just deflated balloons a little bit.”

Indeed, Beador is single.

Even non-Real Housewives fans are aware of this fact, considering how public and how ugly the split between Shannon and estranged husband David has become.

In July, we reported that David had given in and agreed to shell out A TON in spousal support.

This news came after accusations of multi-time infidelity were hurled in David’s direction, while David, in turn, has alleged that Beador drinks too much and keeps their kids away from him.

Beador has admittedly struggled with everything involved in this break-up.

She shed about 25 pounds last year after packing on over 40 in the midst of the divorce negotiations, showing off her figure at the November 2017 Housewives reunion.

“I have to tell you when the season started filming, I didn’t want to film,” she said at the time, adding:

“I didn’t want to be in front of the camera. It was like, ‘Oh my God, everyone’s going to see how I’ve let myself go."”

“You feel crappy about yourself. And I know there’s a lot of women who say, ‘You’re not that big’ or you know ‘I’m bigger and you’re making too big of a deal out of it.’ And I apologize to those women, I didn’t meant to offend anyone.

“But for me, I’ve always been a size 2 or 4. So for me personally, this was just a huge change.”

And it sounds like a few more bodily changes may soon be on the way.
