Friday, August 3, 2018

Javi Marroquin & Lauren Comeau: Are They Already Married?!

Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau’s relationship has fallen apart and been rebuilt more times than a set of Jenga blocks.

Perhaps that’s why these days, Javi and Lauren are moving at a speed generally associated with couples who feel they have something to prove.

Lauren is pregnant with Javi’s baby, and now they’re rushing headlong into a traditional family arrangement, as though they didn’t just get back together while Javi was hooking up with multiple different women.

Not only are Javi and Lauren engaged, it now looks as though they’ve bought a house together.

It also looks like they’re trying to keep that fact under wraps for reasons that remain mysterious.

As Starcasm reports, Lauren posted a photo of the couple’s new home on Facebook earlier this week.

“It’s closing day!!!” Lauren captioned the image.

“Beyond excited (and thankful) to start this chapter in our new home,” she added.

Interestingly, the post was up for less than a day before Lauren deleted it.

The situation has led many fans to speculate that the couple is keeping some sort of secret.

Deepening the mystery is an image from Lauren’s latest Snapchat video:


That’s Javi’s sister, Lidia, who apparently wound up at the same stoplight as Lauren recently.

Note the caption, in which Lauren refers to Lidia as her “SIL” or sister-in-law.

Now, it could be she was just speaking presumptively, as — if everything goes according to plan — Lidia will be Lauren’s sister-in-law in the near future.

Still, the caption was enough to get fans talking.

Even if Lauren and Javi aren’t secretly married, it looks more and more like they’ll be tying the knot very soon.

And not surprisingly, fans are encouraging the future Mrs. Marroquin to proceed with caution.

As you may recall, before she was his fiancee, Lauren was something of a bargaining chip for Javi.

When he unexpectedly visited Briana DeJesus in Miami, Javi informed his then-girlfriend that he has a side-piece who’s willing to move to Delaware to be with him.

That girl was later revealed to be Lauren.

It now looks as though Javi got Lauren pregnant, then decided to get back together with her, not the other way around, as the lovebirds would have us believe.

Not the most auspicious start, but we wish Javi and Lauren the best of luck. They’re gonna need it.
