Friday, August 17, 2018

Matt Roloff and Amy Roloff Have Moved On. Why Can"t You?

Matt Roloff and Amy Roloff got divorced in May of 2016.

That was about two and a half years ago.

Since then, the Little People, Big World have continued to not only work together on their farm, but they’ve also lived very close to each other, residing barely a few hundred yards apart.

All things considered, they’ve navigated their split very well, very maturely and very amicably.

They continue to each spend a lot of time with their four children and, over the past several months, with their two grandchildren.

Meanwhile, over the past year or so, each TLC star has also found love and affection with a new significant other:

Amy is dating a real estate agent named Chris Marek; while Matt is romancing former Roloff Farms manager Caryn Chandler.

Has there been the occasional awkward situation, such as when Caryn organized a birthday party last fall and failed to invite Amy? Sure.

But it’s worth repeating:

Taken all of these issues into account, Matt and Amy get along far better than most other couples who get divorced.

This is all a lengthy way to note that the Roloffs have moved on from their marriage, prompting us to ask a question of far too many social media critics and trolls out there:

Why haven’t you?!?

In the Comments section of pictures that feature Chris and Amy (such as the one above) or that depict Matt and Caryn (such as the one below), you will inevitably find numerous disaparaging remarks.

There’s been this weird consistent theme, for example, that Marek is only using Amy for her fame and fortune.

Heck, in one instance, folks ganged up on Chris and accused him of not liking Amy because he’s gay.

The criticism that has come Matt and Caryn’s way has at least been a bit more understandable.

Chandler, after all, was fairly close to Amy when she started dating Matt.

There was bound to be some awkwardness and some tension after she started seeing her acquaintance’s ex-husband, even if she waited until the divorce was finalized before doing so.

Amy herself has admitted that having Caryn in her life too frequently can be unhealthy, a point of view Chandler seems to completely respect.

So if Matt is fine with Amy dating, and if Amy is happily enjoying her time with Chris, not giving her ex a second thought… why are others so bothered by their new relationships?

Just consider this comment from Instagram user @armstrng16, who wrote in response to a photo of Chandler and Roloff:

I don’t like Karen [sic] at all. never have. She is one of the reason they got divorced. You could tell those two where messing around.

What? Huh? You could not tell this at all.

Or consider this comment from Instagram user @filomenarotante:

Amy it’s over & I do wish you well with CHRIS but do not compare your marriage to your new life now with Chris.

What? Huh? When has she ever done this?

Can we just stop please, people?

We know the Internet is a place where many opinions are shared and, sadly, where the negative ones are often shared the most often.

But Matt is happy! Amy is happy! They each appear to be happy for the other one!

Why is it so difficult to everyone else to get on this same page?
