Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Got Blindsided?

Bayliegh Dayton’s power app has been the topic of the conversation in the Big Brother house ever since Brett Robinson threw her under the bus for it during Thursday’s live eviction. 

The power in question allows Bayliegh to hijack the nominations, and put two people of her choosing on the block at the nominations ceremony. 

The major caveat with the power is that she has to use the power before the reigning HOH announces their own batch of nominees. 

Bayliegh was quick to turn to Angela Rummans, who is the HOH for this week, to tell her that she will not use her power because she knows that she is safe. 

But Angela is working with Tyler Crispen, Brett, Kaycee Clark and Sam Bledsoe, and knows fine well that Bayliegh and her power is a huge threat. 

With the hacker twist being thrown in, and Tyler being thrown on the block, Angela was quick to float the idea that Bayliegh was the hacker and wanted to mess up the game. 

At the veto competition, Angela slid into victory, meaning she actually got to have all the power for her HOH reign. 

She tried her best to keep Bayliegh under the assumption that she was not putting her up as the backdoor target. 

Bayliegh wanted Scottie Salton put up on the block because she claimed he was untrustworthy. However, unbeknownst to Bayliegh, Tyler and Angela told Scottie everything Bayliegh and her side of the house said about Scottie. 

Angela even cut a deal with him to keep him free from the block if he votes with Level 6 and keeps her safe if he’s in power next week. 

Scottie was happy to do so, and Angela blindsided Bayliegh by removing Tyler from the block and putting the flight attendant up in his place. 

In the immediate aftermath, Angela locked herself in the HOH room, and Bayliegh rushed up to find out why she was lied to. 

Angela kept the door locked and yelled through that she did not want to talk to her. A frustrated Bayliegh made her way downstairs to pack her belongings and complained that Angela thinking her being the hacker was ridiculous. 

FYI: Bayliegh had no idea that Haleigh was the one who won the hacker competition. 

Bayliegh then turned her attention to Rockstar, saying that helping her get off the block was the reason for her being on the block or something. 

Kaycee struggled to keep it together because she felt bad about the way things went down with Bayliegh. Kaycee walked around the house crying, and Bayliegh ultimately lets her know she was not mad at her. 

Tyler was then cornered by Bayliegh, who said: “I swear I’m not that Hacker and it was ever my plan to backdoor you.”

In all honesty, Bayliegh is playing the innocent card when viewers (and the other houseguests, for that matter) know she was scheming to get her own way. 

Haleigh still has the power to eliminate one of the votes, but Level Six will still have the majority and Bayliegh will be heading out the door on Thursday. 

What are your thoughts on this? 

Hit the comments below!

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS. 
