Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Bachelor in Paradise Recap: Tia and Colton Forever?

Will they or won’t they?

And will viewers even care once they do or do not at this point?

On Monday night’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise, Tia Booth and Colton Underwood were once again in the spotlight, with the status of their relationship once again up for debate and analysis.

But did they actually arrive at a resolution this time around?

To kick off this installment, Tia gave Chris crap for kissing Krystal behind her back, but Chris tried to argue that nothing had changed between him and Tia.

He still liked her and didn’t understand why she had an issue with how the game is played: You flirt with everyone, you develop some connections, you kiss a bunch of people.

Rinse and repeat, right?

Krystal, meanwhile, awkwardly interrupted Tia and Chris’ conversation to give her point of view… margarita in hand.

“It’s weird talking about someone I like who likes someone else who likes someone else,” she said.

When Tia told Chris she was taking herself out of this love triangle, he made it sound like it was his idea.

That meant that Chris was suddenly available, much to Krystal’s excitement. 

As for Tia?

She realized she was still interested in Colton after he came to her about Chris and Krystal.

But she grew emotional when Jacqueline arrived and asked Colton on a date.

(Are you following along? Don’t worry. There won’t be a test later.)

However, Colton turned Jacqueline down because he wanted to finish his conversation with Tia.

Still, this exchange didn’t appear to be going anywhere until Bibiana lit a fire under Underwood and he decided… the heck with the dilly and especially with the dallying.

He wanted to give a relationship with Tia a chance!

And she felt the same way! Hooray! At last, the back-and-forth of the past six months was over!


There was some non-Tia and Colton news as well this week…

Annaliese, for instance, had been hanging out with Kenny and lot and was about to take things to the next level… when Jacqueline swooped in and asked him on a date. Darn it!

He and Jacqueline had “interesting conversation,” to use his words, over dinner and kissed as they watched fireworks.

But Kenny also kissed Annaliese after she expressed feelings for him and ended up giving her his rose — after he also made out with Jacqueline and Bibiana at the cocktail party.

Also on this episode:

– Jordan went a bit crazy when David gave Jenna a huge stuffed dog for her birthday.

– He dragged the plush animal across the beach, choked it and threw it into the ocean in a fury.

– Then he flipped out on Chelsea and Jubilee when he felt like they were gossiping about him.

– Jordan eventually apologized after some prodding from Eric and Annaliese.

In closing, here is how the rose ceremony played out:

  1. Kimball gives his rose to Cooper.

  2. Ravitz gives his rose to Chelsea Roy.

  3. Randone gives his rose to Nielson.

  4. John Graham gives his rose to Jubilee Sharpee.

  5. Joe Amabile gives his rose to Kendall Long.

  6. Kevin Wendt gives his rose to Astrid Loch.

  7. Underwood gives his rose to Booth.

  8. Eric Bigger gives his rose to Angela Amezcua.

  9. Kenny Layne gives his rose to Annaliese Puccini

This all meant that Bibiana Julian, Caroline Lunny, Nysha Norris and Trumbull packed their bags and were sent home.
