Friday, August 10, 2018

6ix9ine May Go to Prison as a Registered Sex Offender

Last month, the rapper named 6ix9ine was robbed and left for dead. He survived … but he may find himself wondering if that was really for the best.

See, 6ix9ine has gotten into trouble, which violates his probation following a plea deal that he made a few years ago.

And because that plea deal was over an incident involving a 13-year-old, he may have to register as a sex offender.

It may not surprise you to learn that 6ix9ine, a rapper whose look can best be described as “Pennywise’s estranged son,” may end up going to prison as a sex offender.

Back in 2015, 6ix9ine, who is also known as Tekashi69 and whose real name is Daniel Hernandez, pleaded guilty to “the use of a child in a sexual performance.”

If you think that it sounds bad, you’re right! 6ix9ine is currently 22 years old, and was already an adult at the time of his plea.

He himself had posted the videos in which he was partying with a 13-year-old girl.

The plea was supposed to allow him to weasel out of the whole ordeal … but it looks like he blew it.

6ix9ine’s guilty plea was part of a deal that included a stipulation that he not get into trouble again.

Well, since then, the rapper has gotten into trouble again.

Specifically, he’s in trouble for driving on a suspended license, assault, and assaulting a police officer.

That first charge about the license may sound nitpicky to some.

Assault on anyone — including a police officer — does not.

The plea deal would have prevented 6ix9ine from having a criminal record once the period of probation had ended.

Instead, at a hearing on Thursday, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office asked the court to revoke the plea deal on the grounds that 6ix9ine had not kept his part of the bargain.

If the deal is revoked, 6ix9ine will be sentenced to 1 to 3 years in prison.

He will also have to register as a sex offender.

In general, known sex offenders, particularly those who are identified as having preyed upon young children, have especially dangerous experiences while in prison.

That said, 6ix9ine could still get out of this. After all, he got away with the incident with the 13-year-old in the first place.

He has a new hearing on October 2.

The DA will argue that he should have a criminal record after this, despite the deal.

This is because prosecutors say that because his brand promotes a culture of violence and crime, and therefore violates the spirit of the law.

Honestly? While it seems clear that he probably violated the plea deal, arguing that a rapper’s lyrics preclude them from having a criminal record expunged is not the strongest legal case we’ve ever read.

So, being a rapper doesn’t mean that someone can’t be an upstanding citizen.

At the same time, however, looking at various celebrities who have used their fame and resources to weasel out of charges involving sexual predation and minors, many say that 6ix9ine should have a record.

Any parent considering allowing their minor child to attend a 6ix9ine event should Google him, see his criminal history, and then say “no.”

A rapper can be an upstanding citizen.

But based upon his guilty plea from a few years ago, 6ix9ine just might be dangerous around minors.

Some of his fans are terrified that he will end up behind bars, but it’s hard to feel sympathy for the guy.
